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Taking another breath of the Jump City breeze, Damian leaned backwards the Titans Tower roof with his eyes closed. His mind kept playing his conversation that he had with Dick a few hours ago.

The 5th Robin's main focus was to finish the report early, so he could have time for his training, then to hang out with Raven. But, that was ruined when a certain someone appeared.

"Damian, are you busy?"

Said person looked up from the Titans' computer and turned to look at his eldest brother with a mocking smirk, "If I say yes, will you leave me alone Grayson?"

One small glare from Grayson's usual laughing bright blue eyes told him that he was being serious. The 19-year-old Wayne turned his chair to face him.

Sighing silently, Damian clicked his tongue, "What do you need?"

Dick motioned him to walk with him towards the lower levels of the tower, giving them both some silence. Dick cleared his throat and began to speak, "I know that this is very untimely, but I wanted to offer you something."

Damian's right eyebrow rose, as Dick continued, "Kori and I discussed about this for some time and we both decided that you'd take the leader position after we retire temporarily to have a somewhat sense of regular life for Mar'i. And if maybe we come back to the Titans, but you will be continuing leading this team even after we return. You can expand the Titans West and work new recruits as well."

Damian nodded his head, "Okay. Now can I go back to working on the report?"

Dick placed his hand on his shoulder to stop him from walking back to the computer, "Actually there is something else I wanted to offer you. As part of retiring prematurely, I wanted to ask you if you'd want to take the mantle of Nightwing permanently."

The assassin's eyes widened in surprise, "Wow." His mouth gaped, "I don't know what to say."

His oldest brother gave him an upper lift of his lips, "I've seen the amazing changes that you've had since joining both the Bat Family and the Titans Family. How you've grown as a person and how willing you are to help others no matter what the consequences. From a anger-filled preteen assassin to a mature young hero who has excelled in everything that took me and the others so long to do. You are one of the best Robins and you will be the best Nightwing. So, please consider taking the mantle, kid."

The creaking of the door behind him brought him back from the conversation, he looked back to see his petite girlfriend in her white leotard holding a cup of steaming green tea with a small smile. Her smile turned to a small frown when she noticed the creases on Damian's forehead. She walked to him and gave him his cup and sat next to him.

"Is something bothering you?"

Instead of answering her question, he placed his arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to him, giving her a kiss on her forehead. She lifted her head to consider his eyes with question.

Damian sighed, "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"The fact that I could feel your emotions from the bedroom, I had to confront you about this. Talk to me, Damian."

He nodded his head, "Grayson told me that after his and Kori's departure that I will be leading the Titans."

She gave him a small smile, "That's great. Isn't that what you've wanted?"

"It is, but he also asked me to take become the next Nightwing. He said, and I quote, 'You are one of the best Robins, and you'd be the best Nightwing.'"

"Do you want to?"

"I don't want to fail him like I did my mother. I don't want to be known as a failure, being a shadow of the original. And not being as good as the others. Being ostracized because of who I am, where I came from."

Raven, quickly grabbed his hands and pulled them to her heart. "Hey, don't think like that. I know it's been tough for you, Habibi*. If he's giving you this chance to prove them all that you're better. Show them all what Damian Wayne is capable of with and without the mask as Robin or Nightwing or whatever name you take next."

He smiled at her, "For a self-proclaimed Goth, you could be very inspiring. Thank you, Ya Helo**. I love you."

She kissed him on his nose, "I know. I love you too."

He moved his hands from her chest to her cheeks, "I think I might take up his offer then. And I might also make a better uniform, his is terrible."

"I'm excited to see it too."

A/N: I got the translations from a website that had different Arabic expressions of endearment if you were curious hehehe.

*Habibi: My Love

**Ya Helo: My Beautiful

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