Caught (ft. Bat Boys)

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"Are you sure you're not going to get in trouble with Bruce, Damian?"

He stopped in front of the manor's doors and turned to look at his companion's amethyst eyes with a sly smirk as he approached her. "Please Raven, I'm positive that both Drake and Grayson are asleep, and Todd must be at some bar with his teammates. Father is gone at a conference in Star City and Alfred is on vacation. We get in the manor and we go straight to my room, silently."

Raven huffed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not worried about your brothers. I'm worried about what Bruce would say if he noticed that we've sneaked out after midnight. I don't want him to have a bad impression of me as an individual. I don't want him to know me as 'a bad influence to his youngest son' and 'the girl whose father's demons tried to possess you and you had to poison yourself to live.'"

Damian shrugged uncaringly and took out his key to open the massive wooden door, "What they don't know won't hurt them." He heard the click on the door and pushed it open to face a dark living room, "See no one's here."

Raven looked around the room and let her shoulders relax. But when her eyes stopped to look at the couch away from the door, her shoulders tensed up again and her eyes widened with fear. With a scrunched nose, Damian noticed that and turned to look where her eyes were. His confusion turned into anger when he saw who were occupying said couch.

His older brothers: Dick Grayson, who dramatically sat straight with a dramatic serious face in pajama pants trying to hide a smile. Jason Todd, who wore his signature Red Hood uniform with his arms crossed with a mischievous smirk. And half-asleep Tim Drake, in pajamas but still held a mischievous smirk.

"Well well well, look what Batman dragged in at 2 a.m. Damian Wayne has finally gotten home way past his bedtime? Did you know that your curfew was 9 p.m.? It's important for ten-year old boys to get ten hours of sleep on the weekend."

The youngest Wayne growled loudly at the three figures, who didn't seem to react to his behavior. The girl placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He gently grabbed her hand and pulled her with him toward the stairs passing by.

Jason stood up and went to block his way. He shook his finger at Damian, "Ah ah ah, Short Stack. Where do you think you're going with a girl at this time?"

Damian pushed his hand away and glared at him, "My room."

Following Jason's example of blocking, Dick walked to stand next to him with his arms crossed and with a smirk on his face, "Hold on there, Casanova. I don't think so. We don't want any puny demons," he turned to look at Raven, who rose her eyebrow at that remark, "no offense Raven, we like you." Then turned back to look at Damian, "We don't want puny twerps running around in this place that'll give poor ol' Bruce a heart attack. So, no kinky rendezvous at all!"

Damian scoffed at his older brothers and calculated a way to pass through them. "I am nineteen years old. I am an adult. Not any of you get to tell me what to do."

A sleep Tim countered, "Do you want us to tattle on you to Bruce? You know he's been waiting for the right time to give you the Talk once you two got together."

Damian narrowed his eyes at the third former Robin, "You wouldn't dare."

A smirk appeared, "Try me, Dami."

Sensing that her boyfriend will soon launch at the sleep-deprived Tim, Raven grabbed his hand and went to face Jason and Dick, who were blocking their way. She gave them a small smile and soft eyes.

"We were just going to watch a movie marathon in his room, I promise. We both agreed that we'll wait until we're ready to take our relationship to the next level. So, please don't tattle on him to Bruce. We promise we won't do anything inappropriate."

Dick smiled back at the young girl he considered a little sister and patted her on her shoulder. "I believe you. I know that you two are smart and aren't reckless." Jason snorted at this statement. "So now be gone and do whatever you two had planned. We'll see you in the morning for breakfast, right kiddo?"

Raven nodded her head and pushed past Damian's older brothers, dragging him along with her. Once out of hearing range, Damian turned to look at his girlfriend with a prideful smirk. "I didn't know you were such an actress, Miss Roth."

She rolled her violet eyes, "You owe me for lying to your brothers."

He chuckled and placed his hand on her back as he led her into his room, "And I will make it up to you tonight."

"Don't you mean this morning?"


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