Day #2: Villains AU

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Cries of the demons surrounded the six Titans as they went across the fiery ruins of their beloved Jump City by foot. Connor Lance-Queen, who went by Green Canary, turned around and used his canary cry to stop the fire demons from following them. He staggered slightly and with the help of the only female Titan, he caught up with the rest of the team.

The Titans were able to hide inside an abandoned building complex. Each were slightly out of breath minus Nightwing, who was focused on the tracking device in his left gauntlet. Without looking up from the device, the leader spoke, "The tracer says that we're almost to Zatara's location. We need to stop these pieces of flaming crap from following us. Green Canary and Superboy take care of them down here. Blue Beetle and Troia get ready to take flight and fight in the sky."

Changeling looked at his leader with a questioning look, "What 'bout us?"

The response to his question was cold, "We're going to find him. He is taking us to hell, and we will end her reign."

The other five Titans gave each other concerning looks as their leader took out his electrified escrima sticks and increased the voltage. "Ready Titans."


A rapid pattern of knocks on the door caught Zatanna's younger cousin's attention as he woke up on his couch with his television was still on. He wiped his face and looked down at his watch. 2:16 a.m.

"I wonder who could be knocking at this time."

He sluggishly walked toward his front door as the knocks kept going. He opened the door and all his sleepiness disappeared as he noticed who was in front of him. "Titans."

Troia stepped forward from her spot next to Nightwing, "Zachary, we need your help."

He blinked rapidly, "Is it already time? I thought it was supposed to be on Thursday?"

"It is Thursday."

"Huh, I must have forgotten."

Nightwing rolled his eyes and shoved the magician not-so-gently inside the apartment, "You better have everything correctly done and ready. This is our only chance to take Raven down."

Superboy stepped behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder before his best friend does anything. "Damian, relax. We can move our plan for later today. You are overstressing yourself." He turned his best friend to face him, "Listen I understand this is important for you, but it's also important for us too. She was our friend and teammate too."

"She was more than a friend to me, Jon."

"You were in love with her?"

Everyone looked at Zachary as Nightwing's jaw tightened as he looked away from his teammates' worried glances. The magician stared at the Titans leader's reaction. Troia stepped forward placing her hand on his shoulder, hoping that he'll calm down before he attacks their only link to Raven.

The changeling scratched the back of his neck and the third Blue Beetle shared a look with the Amazonian, "It is a little more difficult than that, actually."

Zatanna's cousin looked at Blue Beetle, "How so? What is more difficult than being in love?"

"We were supposed to get married in less than a week before the apocalypse."

The Titans and their guest looked at Nightwing, who was glaring at the ground with his fists clenched on his sides. Zachary sensed anger and confusion, but what made him more curious was the smaller waves of sorrow and sadness coming off them all.

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