Day 3: Deal With the Devil

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"Superman can definitely defeat Aquaman in a fight."

Robin rolled his eyes under his mask at Superboy's comment. "No one cares if you think your father could defeat Aquaman, Superboy."

Beast Boy slurped loudly on his soda, "Yeah, but I still think that Aquaman can beat Superman in a fight. Come on think about it, Aquaman is the King of Atlantis. He can use water as any kind of weapon! Who knows if he can somehow make it into Kryptonite or something."

Superboy rolled his blue eyes, "How will that be beneficial to Aquaman, if their fight wasn't in the ocean."

"He can summon water from anywhere!"

"Superman has more powers than Aquaman does!"


Wonder Girl shook her head at her teammates' childish behavior and turned to talk to Blue Beetle, who looked like was going to explode of laughter at the two boys. "We need to stop them from hurting each other."

Blue Beetle shook his head, "Just let them argue about who's better. We both know that they'd both lose against Wonder Woman."

Wonder Girl gave him a small smile and a chuckle.

The tables next to them suddenly were surrounded by some black magic and flew out of the pizzeria breaking the glass and went toward the sky. The Teen Titans looked at each other and ran outside to watch fire demons getting out of an enormous black hole appear in the middle of the blue sky. The citizens screamed in fear, some running away and others staying in place in fear as the demons approached them.

Robin turned to look at his team, "Titans, let's go!"

They all separated and started fighting the demons. Superboy used his eye lasers, while Blue Beetle used different lasers that his scarab geared him to attack. Beast Boy transformed to a rhino to take out a group. Wonder Girl used her lasso to grab the demons, while Robin used his katana.

Superboy looked at the hole, "Where are they coming from? What do they want?"

Robin flipped over three demons and threw an explosive birdarang to them. "Less talking, more fight—"

He was interrupted when something dark landed near him. He turned and ran toward the fallen object; the closer he got to it, the more he realized it was a person. A female to be more exact with navy blue cloak on and matching boots. She groaned loudly of pain as she sat up shaking her head under the hood. He saw a pale hand covered by fingerless black gloves that went to her elbow, wipe her face.

Not wanting to take the chance for her to attack his team, he unsheathed his katana and pulled it to her throat. "I demand you to tell me who you are and why are these demons attacking Jump City."

She scoffed at him, "They came after me. That's all you need to know." She pushed his weapon aside and stood up to look at the team fighting. "The only way to take them down is to make them powerless. Tire them out, but don't use your powers that'll just make them stronger. Tell your team to fight them near the black hole that they came from. I'll deal with them afterwards."

Robin narrowed his eyes behind the mask, "How do you know so much about these demons?"

She rolled her eyes and started to fly up to the sky. "Just take my word on it."

Robin turned back to his team, "Titans! We need to slow them down. Wonder Girl, Beast Boy take them high in the sky get near the black hole. Superboy, Blue Beetle get ready to engage in hand to hand combat with them."

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