Final Confrontation Pt. 2

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3 years ago: Nanda Parbat

"Weapons ready. Bullet-proof vest on."

"Are you done yet? There's a heist waiting for us..."

Raven sighed, checking outside her window for any signs of enemies. Damian looked at her for a minute. He cleared his throat to catch her attention.

Raven turns to look at him, raising her eyebrow at him. "Yes?"

Damian pulled something out of his pocket out of her view. "I know that this is a bad timing. But, are you happy here? With our life?"

Raven stared at him for a moment, "I am... happy with the life that we have." She examines his facial expression, she noticed that his eyebrows were furrowed and he wasn't looking at her. "Damian, is there something you want to tell me?"

"Yes, there is actually." Holding his hand out, there he held a black obsidian ring on a necklace chain. "I want you to be my wife. I want to spend my life with you." He looked at her for her reaction.

Raven's expressionless face held surprise for some moments as she nodded her head. Regaining her voice, she whispered "yes."

He smiled at her and placed necklace on around her neck. When he finished putting the necklace on her he started to pull his hands back, but she grabbed them pulling him towards her and sealing her lips on his for a quick passionate kiss.

Present Time: Jump City

Her magic surrounded her hands as she summoned crates towards him from different directions. He cut through them like nothing, quickly nearing her. She threw up a shield. As his katana met her shield, she felt the great amount of force: he was trying to kill her. She threw another a crate at him, yet as he knew she was going to do that he turned and cut through it. He turned back to Raven and a sour smirk appeared on his face as he approached her. She stayed her place and blasted him, but he flipped backwards and threw few throwing stars at her directions.

She managed to dodge them all, but failed to realize that Damian had tackled her down. Once he straddled her, he put a hunting knife at her neck.

She struggled to turn her head as he held the knife tightly to her neck, but she managed to speak.

"What are you doing here? How did you get out of Interpol's custody?"

He pulled the knife closer to her throat and she winced in pain.

"I would have given you everything you ever wanted Leila... I would have given up my title as the Demon's Fist if you wanted me to."

The knife poked at her neck, and she felt a slip of blood down her neck. "You lied to me for five years. I was a fool to listen to my emotions believing that you loved me, that you wanted to marry me. That you loved me. You tore my heart and you killed my nephew. You bitch, you took my nephew and I will avenge him. And I will -"

Her communicator went off, interrupting him. He grabbed the communicator from her waist and opened it up. He saw Nightwing's face and scoffed.

"Of course, it's you Grayson. You haven't learned from any of your damn lessons over the years. Always sending those who are weaker than you. Someone to take all the bruises and you get all the credit for the success of mission. Not this time, Raven's a goner." He turned to glance at Raven and back at Nightwing, "Tell father I say hello."

Shutting the communicator, he threw it at the wall successfully breaking it. He raised the hunting knife from her neck and held it high. Then brought it towards Raven's chest.

2 years ago: Nanda Parbat

"Come out, come out wherever you are"

Raven crawled around the living room floor looking for him. She noticed a small amount of black hair popping from behind the couch, giggling. She let a small smile appear as she silently got to her feet as she walked over to him.

"I found you!"

The little boy yelped as he ran around the couch to avoid her. She chased after him, chuckling with him. She grabs hold of him and started tickling him as he laughed and playfully fought back.

Unknowingly to them, Damian stood by watching the scene silently with a small smile on his face.

His smile grew large as he watched Raven hug the little boy closer to her and the little boy hugged her back.

Present Time: Jump City

As the knife came towards her, a star bolt and a sonic blast had thrown him off her. Damian landed a few feet away from her, yet he recovered quickly with his katana raised noticing Starfire and Blue Beetle were in front of Raven ready for battle. And he couldn't help noticing that Wonder Girl helping her to her feet. He then heard the cackling of electricity and a loud growl.

Damian chuckled as he greets Nightwing, "Look who decided to join the fight after all, the coward Richard Grayson. And you even brought your freaks with you! I will enjoy killing each of you."

Changeling scoffs at his comment, "You and what army?"

Immediately after his comment, the lights turn on and they are greeted by one hundred ninjas with their weapons prepared to strike.

1 year ago: Nanda Parbat

Raven stood in the kitchen as she held the phone in her hand, talking quietly, "How much longer does the Justice League need to get here, Grayson?"

"They're almost there, Raven. We have enough evidence to take him and the League down." Raven turned to look at the scene in the living room: Damian is playing with his nephew and their puppy. "We'll send him to Interpol and they'll deal with him. I need go Raven, we're less than ten minutes away. Get ready."

She closes her phone and notices that the little boy started rubbing his eyes and gave out a yawn. Walking out, she headed towards them. Damian looks up to look at her with a smile as she approaches them. He turns back to his nephew.

"I see that someone needs to get their afternoon nap? Why don't you go with aunt Raven to your room?"

The little boy sleepily nods his head, letting Raven take him towards his room. Once she went upwards the stairs out of Damian's sight, she puts a sleeping spell on the little boy.

She sighs, "I don't want you to see what is going to happen."

The sound of breaking wood and glass happens down in the living room. Some members of the Justice League surround Damian, ready to defend themselves. Before he could take a weapon out, the Flash takes all his weapons from his person leaving Damian defenseless. Wonder Woman uses her lasso to entrap him, causing him to go down to his knees.

This was the scene that Raven returned to with the little boy that she helped raise the last few years. Superman took the little boy from her and Damian looked at her heartbroken and furious. Raven looked back at Damian with an apologetic expression, but her expression changed to blank when she is approached by Nightwing and Batman. She hands them both a flash drive and walks away.

The two men approach Damian, who stayed silent never looking up from the floor. They both escorted him out of the house and took him into custody. 

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