Challenge Accepted

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A/N #1: Hey guys, it's been a while. I'm sorry for the late update! I had a bit of a writer's block, but I got inspired doing this while watching Naruto Shippuden and I thought of Damian and Raven. So, here it is! I hope you enjoy it!

"Thank you for the delicious plums, Grandma Mai! I'll come pass by tomorrow morning with some of Mom's Fresh Plum Pie and my homemade Green Tea!"

The elderly woman at the fruit stand gave the 14-year-old Chunin* a wrinkled smile as she patted the top of his black hair, "No. Thank you for coming by and visiting me, my sweet boy. Tell your mother that I'll be waiting for her delicious Purple Plum Pie. Now bye Jonathon don't cause any trouble!"

Jon smiles sweetly and waves back at the elderly woman. 'Now all I have to do is bring these to mom and I'll be set to go train with Garfield and – '

A small gasp escapes him when he bumped into a solid figure. His grip of the plums loosening a bit and he slightly tumbled backwards maintaining his balance. His eyes opening to face who he collided with, but only meeting the familiar emerald eyes of his best friend/rival, Damian Wayne. His eyes brightened as he saw his best friend and a grin appeared.

"Good Morning, Damian! What are you doing in the farmer's market? Are you here to pick up some last-minute fruits and vegetables for the wedding?"

A groan comes out from said person who also rubbed his nose, "No. I have been searching for a wedding present for Grayson would want. I have found nothing that fits my expectations."

Jon shrugged, "Maybe your expectations are way too high."

The 16-year-old ebony-haired boy narrowed his eyes, "Of course they're not."

Jon rolled his eyes and pushed his friend forward, "Let's go look around again. You never know if you missed something."

"Preposterous, I am a skilled ninja. I have observed every single object in this market."

Jon rolled his eyes and dragged his best friend around for another 2 hours.

"I never thought looking for a wedding present would be so difficult to find. The worst part is being Grayson best man. I have to give them the best present that will beat everyone else's."

Jon patted his best friend's shoulder in comfort, "Hey no worries, Damian! No matter how terrible your present will be, Dick will be ecstatic knowing you put effort in doing so!"

Damian glared at the younger boy, who stuck his tongue out at him. As retaliation, Damian punched him in the gut.

"Ow! What the H, man! What was that for?!"

He rolled his eyes, "Your parents aren't around you can curse if you want, dumbass."

"Are you crazy! My dad has super hearing, he and mom will kick my butt up to the moon if they were to hear me cuss!"

Damian stopped his steps and Jon's words ran in his head again. His eyes widened! 'Why didn't I think of it earlier!'

He faced his younger friend and placed his hands on both his shoulders, shaking him gently. "Jon, you genius! I will present a honeymoon for him and his new bride!"

Jon scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously, "Sorry to burst that bubble of yours, but Vic and Rave already prepared the honeymoon for them. They asked Kori-sensei if she knew any fancy resorts back in her homeland of Kama*. And they found one that I think will be perfect for Dick-sensei and his new wife."

Damian shook his head lightly and grumbled, "Unbelievable woman."

"You mean lovable woman, right? Because you've had a big crush on her since forever."

The older ninja gave the caerulean-eyed ninja a vicious glare, but the red flush that covered his face told a different story. "Annoying."

Jon laughed out loud, "You didn't deny it! So, it is true!" His loud laughter that caught the attention of the shoppers around shifted to childishly giggles, "I won this bet! Virgil and Zatara owe me big time!"

"You bet on my emotional state?"

"Well if you put it that way—Oh yeah I almost forgot! If I were you, I'd be careful with Big Brother Vic. You know how overprotective he is with his little sister. Remember what happened Zatara after he asked Raven out? Poor Cass-sensei had to take him to Zatanna-san to heal him. We don't want that to happen to you too."

"Who's we? And what is it that 'we' don't want to happen to Damian?"

Both teenagers slightly jumped to the soft monotone voice of their female teammate, who's nose what in another of her magic scroll. Jon's eyes brightened as he turned to look at his petite teammate with a megawatt grin on his face and Damian grumbling a simple 'Hello'. Raven returns Jon's grin and Damian's response with a small smile as she rolled up the scroll, placing it in her weapon bag.

"Hey Raven! We were on our way to Zatanna's shop to pick you up for lunch. Isn't that right Damian?"

A simple "Hn" was his response.

"That's very sweet of you two, but I have some errands that I need to finish right now before I go out with the other kunoichi* later tonight. We'll have to reschedule for some other time this week. I'll see you two tomorrow perhaps."


Before she got the chance to walk away, Jon's hand landed on her shoulder and she turned to him with a raised eyebrow.


Jon's megawatt smile reappeared on his face and he pushed Damian in front of him. "Damian wanted to know if he could help you with your errands. Maybe by helping you, he'll be able to find something to gift for Dick-sensei and Barbara-sensei's wedding."

The girl turned to her silent friend with her signature raised eyebrow, "Really? You forgot to get your eldest brother's wedding present?" Her judgmental eyebrow fell back as she crossed her arms and a small, mocking smirk appeared, "Who would have thought that Damian Wayne, the Hokage's* son and Dick-sensei's best man, has forgotten to get a present for his important day? Here I thought that procrastination was Timothy's best quality. I never knew it was passed down to the youngest of the Waynes." Her smirk grew larger at the end.

Damian glared at Raven and sneered, "How dare you compare me to Drake. He's a good for nothing loser that can't stay awake unless you give him coffee or Fat-girl is around him. I will prove you that I am far more superior than him!"

Raven slowly strutted away before giving Jon a small wave and giving Damian a challenging smirk, "We'll see what you come up with, Damian."

Jon smiled softly as he sees his best friend/rival and his first crush/other best friend walk away from him. He carefully watched their body language as Damian playfully bumps his shoulder with Raven's; stating continuously that he'll prove to her that he is better than their ex-teammate and the girl quietly laughing at his statements. He sighs quietly and mutters to himself, "I know they'll be happy with each other."

He looks down at the bag of purple plums. His wistful thoughts converted to panic. 'Crap I have to take this to Mom ASAP! I'll pick up my money tomorrow, then!'

He sprints out of the farmer's market awaiting his mother's wrath for being late in giving her the purple plums.

* Middle Ninja

*I searched it up. And I found out that it is the most recent planet that the Tamaranian people live in.

*Female ninja

*Highest and strongest ninja

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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