Road Trip - Part III

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"Dean, if this doesn't work.." Castiel's deep voice broke the silence, Dean pacing the room. "It'll work." Dean stated plainly, lifting his head to meet Ashleigh's gaze from across the room. Tears were staining her cheeks, her hazel eyes dim as she stared in Deans direction. The three were silent after that, waiting impatiently for news about Sam.


Sam was sitting at the table in the library, searching through old books "This doesn't make any sense. Why is the ghoul only chomping on dead cheerleaders?" He asked in confusion as Dean called out from the kitchen "Hey, you want a beer?"

"No, I'm fine." Sam sighed, looking back down at the texts.

"Not bad.." Crowley spoke, drawing Sam's attention and causing him to whip around, quickly standing from his chair "Dean! Ashleigh!"

"Poughkeepsie." Crowley spoke softly, making Sam stop immediately. "How do you know that word?"

"Because Dean and Ashleigh sent me, bullwinkle, the real Dean and Ashleigh. I'll make this quick- you've been possessed by an angel. He's got you packed away in some dusty corner of your own mind, and I'm here to break you out." He reported quickly, using his hands to motion the severity. Sam seemed unsure, eyeing the demon king with a lifted eyebrow "Seriously?"

"Fine. We'll do this the fun way." Crowley reached into his pocket, pulling out a pistol and shooting Sam in the chest. When nothing happened, Sam's eyes widened, looking down at the hole in his flesh. "See?" The demon asked, half annoyed. "Not real. Like I said. I know how possession works, Sam. You've seen everything that he's seen, even if you can't remember. That's what I need you to do. I need you to remember." Sam's body tensed as memories flashed through his mind. The beeping of the heart monitor at the hospital, slitting that mans throat, seeing Dean's beat up face, killing Kevin...

Sam closed his eyes, shaking his head "did I kill Kevin..?"

"No, you didn't. He did." Crowley stated seriously. "You need to take control, Sam. Blow it up and car that punk-was holy roller out!" He yelled frantically as Sam stood up straight, looking directly behind him. "What?" Sam clenched his jaw, not breaking eye contact with the angel behind him "Oh, bollocks." The demon turned to face Gadreel as he spoke. "Hello, Sam."

"Who are you?"

"His name is Gadreel, the original chump." The demon answered with a smug smile.

"Was a chump. And now? I'm going to be the love that leads my kind Bach to heaven. I'm going to be a hero. But you, demon, for all your chatter, you will always be a coward. You should be running." He leaned down, speaking to crowley with his treaty gritted. To everyone's surprise, instead of running, Crowley landed a strong right hook to the angel's cheek. In return, Gadreel smacked the demon, forcing him backwards, sending him crashing into the table. Gadreel strided over, landing kicks into Crowley's ribs, kicking him over and overt until Sam raced forward, grabbing hold of the angel. Gadreel flung Sam away from him with ease.

"Give up boy. You're not strong enough." He strutted over, earning a kick to the jaw, effectively knocking him over.

"Take control, Sam! Cast him out!" Crowley demanded from the floor.

"Get out of my-" Gadreel tackled Sam back down to the floor before he could finish, gripping to his throat.

"You sure you want me to go?" The angel inquired, pinning Sam to the hardwood floor. "Maybe I'm the only thing holding you together. I leave. You might die." Sam grabbed a metal stand, slamming it against the side of Gadreel's head, forcing him of off him. Sam was quick to over power the angel, pinning him to the ground with his foot. Sam panted quietly, speaking between heavy breaths "I said get... The hell.. Out!"

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