Blade Runners - Part VIII

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Both Ashleigh and Dean watched as Magnus walked over to the First Blade, picking it up off of it's stand.

"Oh, you're a really sorry piece of work. You know that?" Dean growled, holding Ashleigh closely against him as Magnus stepped over to the two of them, holding the blade in his hand. "Holed up in here, doing nothing " Dean continued gruffly. "You bitch about the Men of Letters." He scoffs, turning his head for a moment "You're way worse." He glared down at Magnus, his fingers lightly digging into Ashleigh's arm.

"Should we fire it up?" Magnus smirked "What do you say?"

"Go to hell" Dean countered.

Magnus clicked his tongue "Oh come on, Dean. This is the object of your quest. Although, I'd suggest you letting go of Ashleigh." He held up the blade "Tell me Henry Winchester's grandson isn't curious to see if it works" he said, placing the tip of the blade at Dean's chest. "Give me your hand."

Ashleigh glared up at him angrily, gripping onto Dean's shirt tightly "Back off creepo"

He flashed a look over at the woman before he clenched his jaw "Give me..." He then grabbed Dean's free hand and placed the blade in it "your hand." He closed Dean's fist around the blade as Dean let out a small groan. "That's it." Magnus smirked, stepping back.

Ashleigh pulled forward, ready to throat punch this man before Dean's grip on her tightened. She looked over to see the mark on his arm glowing, his body trembling as his grip on her tightened further. She winced, trying to pull away but physically couldn't. "Dean.." She muttered softly as his other hand gripped heavily onto her arm.

She reached her hand up, lightly touching his face "Come on Dean, snap out of it!" His body trembled some more in response, not hearing her. That's when she growled and smacked him across the cheek "Wake up dammit!" Dean blinked, shakily dropping the blade to the floor as the mark's glow began to fade, his grip on her loosening. She let out an quiet exhale as she reached her hand over to rub her arm, knowing she was bruising already.

"Good." Magnus breathed as he leaned down to pick up the blade "Next time, it'll be easier" he said smugly as he took the blade towards it's display "You'll get used to the feelings, even welcome them." He said calmly.

Dean glanced down at Ashleigh, a worried look on his face as he let her arm go, pulling away from her shakily.

"You'll come to understand, Dean... Nothing can stop us." Magnus continued on, earning a glare from the green eyed hunter. "Anything, anyone we want to own or destroy is ours."

"You really have been alone for a long time... You're totally batshit" Ashleigh spoke out, crossing her arms as she stood in front of Dean, glaring directly at the man in front of them.

"Well, how about this, Magnus? How about I take a knee?" Dean said, his voice practically trembling. Ashleigh turned towards him, her eyebrows furrowed. "Then what are you gonna do? Huh? You gonna kill me? 'Cause without this thing on my arm, that blade's nothing but a hunk of bone with teeth." Dean growled out.

Magnus pressed his lips together as he looked down "Hmm.. see that's the thing. I'm not asking you for your cooperation." He then blew a puff of red dust into Ashleigh's face. Her eyes fluttered for a moment as she coughed and stepped back, shaking her head "W-What the hell??"

Magnus then stepped forward, placing his hand on Dean's forehead "Mentem tuam ac voluntatem adsumo." He pulled his hand away, stepping back slightly as Dean stared at him blankly "Interesting effect, huh?" Magnus smirked.

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