Mrs Styles

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Hey, you!"

Annaliese turned around after putting the glass in the sink, drying her hands on her worn out dress as she looked at Miss Violet, who called her. Miss Violet is the person in charge of the slaves. She's a pretty faced young lady, but don't trick yourself into thinking just that. She is much more than that. She can slam your head on the floor whenever she she wants.

Everyone in the kitchen had stopped their work and were looking at them from their spot. The silence was creeping Annaliese out, as the clinging of plates had stopped. It was like time was frozen.

"Come with me, Anna..."

Her lips pursed and her eyebrows knitted as she tried to remember her name.

"Annaliese," she whispered quietly biting inside of her cheek.

What she could possibly want from me? All day I've been doing nothing but work, and, surprisingly I didn't trip during my work as I usually do, she thought.

Call her clumsy, but that's who she is; it's been almost 10 years of her working here at the Doughlas family .

"Yeah, Annaliese. Follow me, and the rest of you get back to work unless you all want a hour in the basement!" She hissed.

Everyone scrambled off to do their work in fear, the noise filling the kitchen suddenly. She gulped and followed her out of the kitchen.

Her gaze fixed on Miss Violet's feet as her two-inch heels clicked on the tile floor.

She opened a door and gestured for Annaliese to follow her in. She quietly obeyed as she walked inside and stood in the middle of the room, looking down at her bare feet.

"OLIVIA!" Miss Violet called out and not even a few minutes later, the girl burst through the doors breathlessly. Miss Violet glared at her as she smoothed out her rumpled dress.

"Where the heck were you?" Miss Violet growled, as she turned around and walked towards her bed and picked up a white dress. ( 6fd3b490d23509f97f781c279b2cad )

"I was with Master," she whispered hoarsely. Olivia shrugged, as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I wouldn't let him hang there, now would I?" She smirked as she looked the girl up and down.

"So this slave, huh?" Venom was dripping from her words and her gaze fell on her rather disturbingly. She glanced down at the floor as her cheeks flushed red; she was not very comfortable under her stare.

"Go run a bath for her Olivia." She rolled her eyes before going to the bathroom, doing what Miss Violet had ordered her to do.

"Baby doll. Huh. Always up for their job, but to lazy to do the slave's job."

Miss Violet sighed as she turned towards Annaliese before laying the dress on the bed, her brown eyes softening as they bore into Annaliese's hazel ones.

"Annaliese," she called out her name, gesturing for her to come closer. She hesitantly walked towards her, keeping some distance between them.

"Miss, do you need me for something?" "Annaliese, would you like to get out of this place?" She asked, with a soft tone lacing her voice. Annaliese looked up at her, surprisedm as a grin made it's way up to her lips .

"You're kidding." She replied, pressing her lips tightly as she looked down in fear that she might punish her for that.

"Listen, Annaliese, Master is out of money at the moment and he owes a large sum of money to some businessman. He can't give the money to the Styles', the one who to whom he owes money. So they made a deal."

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