Little Pain

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Annaliese pulled her knees close to her chest , placing her chin on top of her knees , her hands loosely wrapped around her bare knees . She was sitting on a couch that was pressed to the wall where a glass window was just above the couch . She could look out the window and just with one glimpse , she could see the whole colony . It was almost night , the clouds covering the Sky like balls of cotton . the Sun was almost down as the orange rays were to be seen on the Sky .

She was waiting for him , Harry . Robert had called him to come and pick her up , But he had not showed up .

The sunlight disappeared but the twinkles of stars showed up , a crescent moon shinning lightly . The street lights glowing up.

A car pulled up in the driveway as she looked down instantly had a feeling that it was him . She scrambled to her feet and rushed out of the room .


' Its n not l like I left her in streets or something "

" When are you going to start listening to me? I AM SO TIRED OF YOUR BEHAVIOR "

She looked down from the top of stairs . Her hands gripping the railings as she looks down .

Robert was standing just a few steps close to Harry . His hands on his sides clenched in ball while Harry stood like he had no problem with anything . His right leg bent forward putting his all weight on his left foot , his hands on his sides loosely . He looked not so sober as he rubbed his neck .

" W what d did I I do wrong ? I I did w what you wanted "

he slurred out , his head tilting to a side as he hiccuped .

He was sure as hell drunk , but Robert was not having it . He grew angry with the time .

" Where were you ? "

Robert said through gritted teeth . Harry frowned rubbing his ear , biting his bottom lip .

" I uh i was with Lidia ? "

His answer came more like a question as he racked his mind . He was so drunk that he forgot everything . He forgot that Lidia had slapped him and kicked him out of her house when Harry confessed about his marriage . Harry had gone to a bar and drank till he was out of his mind .

" You were with her ? "

Robert rubbed his head as a headache was starting to form . , shaking his head .

" Y Yeah ? "

Harry hiccuped as he came to his senses . He was now little bit aware of his surroundings .

" Even though i told you to stay away from her . "

" B But H ow c can I Stay away from the L Love of my Life ? "

Harry frowned tugging his curls lightly , looking at his Father innocently .


" YEAH I I D DO . S She is my love , Y yeah i i love her Y Yeah I I Do "

He whispered the last part , More like convincing himself than his Dad .He was confused but he was sure at the same time . His mind was messing up with him , and he couldn't get hold of his own mind .

" Harry , you are now married , you have a big responsibility to take care of . Just for once listen to me My Son . I promise everything will be okay . I promise "

Robert rubbed Harry's arm up and down as he looked at him assuring smile . Harry jerked his hand off of him and shook his head staring at him . The alcohol was getting to his head as he was now fuming all of sudden . He glared at the Man who is his Father , to his knowlege

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