Little closer

23 3 3

Way to my heart is blocked dear

You cant get inside my head too

That's way out of my liking

Or maybe just maybe

You success crawl in the place

where no one belongs

" i want to feel that " She mumbled earning a nod from Harry .

" You need some clothes for that " Harry said smirking making Annaliese frown in confusion .

" What kind of clothes , aren't these okay ? " She asked pointing to her black jeans and black top Harry shook his head in 'No'

Annaliese pouted as she looked at Harry who looked away with a sigh .

" Am I not dressed properly ? " her smooth voice well more like a velvet softly touched Harry's ears .

" No these are erh right , its just ... not bikini? ," harry shook his head letting out a sigh . His statement came of more like question " Grh okay .." God how could he just melt right there . How could he just say No . why couldn't he stop himself looking at her .

Annaliese grinned as she put her weight from foot to foot in eager . Harry chuckled as he shook his head and walked out . Annaliese flowing suit .

They both walked to the shores . The wind was blowing softly as they walked on the sideways of water on the shores . The water was wild now . Hitting the shores then going away softly .

Annaliese's heels were making it hard to walk on the sand . The heels were digging as she was stumbling
Annaliese clutched Harry's arm as she Lifted her leg , making her tumble but she tightened her grip . Her tongue caught in her teeth as her face scrunched as she tried to slip the heels from her feet . Harry shook his head , his eyebrow lifting in amusement as he watch her .

Annaliese hold the heels straps in her hand as she straightened and started to walk . Leaving Harry behind .

She turned around raising her eyebrow at the boy .
" why did you stop ? "
Harry shook his head and walked slowly catching up to her . To say Annaliese was happy is something that doesn't describe her happiness . As her wondering eyes trailed everywhere .It was a pure bliss . She was in pure bliss . The scenery was something she never even dreamt of .

Harry 's eyes lingered on Annaliese who was looking at her surrounding with aw.

" The world is this beautiful ? " Annaliese mumbled to herself as she crouched down , her hand dipping in the cold water .

" The world is beautiful " Harry muttered back as he crossed his arms . looking down at the girl who was smiling .

"but not the people" Harry mumbled as Annaliese stood up her eyebrows knitted in confusion .

" People are beautiful " She whispered as she looked up at him .

" How come ? " Harry mumbled as he took forward . Annaliese blushed as she looked deep In his emerald eyes

" You are beautiful , isn't that enough proof " She said as she blushed harder . her hands gripping the hem of her shirt tightly . Harry smiled , his dimples showing

" We don't say that to a boy " He said as tucked astray hair behind her ear . His thumb lightly grazing her cheek bone .

" We don't ? " she mumbled as her cheeks warms up . She almost leaned in his touch , her eyes fluttering .

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