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Harry groaned as he buried his head deeper in corner of the couch , wincing slightly as he felt pain in his neck , groaning he sat up squinting his eyes . A sigh left his lips as he picked his phone looking at the time . it was way too late but hey He is the boss . Shaking the sleep out of his tired eyes , he stood up while stretching . Making his way to the bathroom as he took a long shower to shake the tiredness away . He had not sleep at all last night .

His stomach churn as he stood under the shower , a distraught image of Annaliese showed up from last night . He was guilty of what he did but at the same time that's what he wanted . To make her live in a hell . But that's not How Harry is . His Heart still thumps for good . He is soft when it comes to see people in pain . But that was long ago . When he was a boy now he is a man who doesn't give a two shit . But then why those feelings came back ?

Harry stepped out of the bathroom as he rubbed his hair shaking the water out of his curls .Harry sighed as he shrugged the towel off and went to wardrobe changing into his signature jeans and a white tea shirt under a button up white dress shirt . He walked out of walk in closet and entered the room . The room was lightened by now as the sun rays were coming from the slits between curtains . He walked towards the large windows drawing the curtains . He squinted his eyes adjusting to the light . He turned around as looked at Annaliese , who was curled on bed , the comforter was most likely on the floor . Her bare legs curled to her chest as she was most likely bare to air . Goosebumps could be seen on her skin . A frown was settled on her face as she snored lightly . Harry sighed and walked towards her settling the comforter on her , covering her , making her snuggled deeper , the frown instantly flattened .

Harry felt bad of what he did last night . the guilt was eating his stomach like a bug .

Not caring about how late he was he rushed downstairs and fixed a tray . After ten minutes he went upstairs and to his room , turning the knob with one hand as he tried to adjust the tray in other .

His eyes trailed to Annaliese who was sitting straight in the bed , the comforter around her waist as he tugged her hand out of the comforter and blew air on her wrist . She winced rubbing her index finger in circle around her red skin . It was a little swollen and red . it was not a big bruise just a small circle but burn hurts like hell .

Harry sighed as he placed the tray on the bed , Annaliese looked at him with hesitant eyes as He sat beside her facing her , making her cringe slightly . He opened a drawer and pulled out a tube of creme . His hand grasping her hand lightly as he examined the damage he had done last night . Annaliese looked at him with a pout , her hair drape on her face as she quickly tucked her hair behind her ear with a struggle . She winced as Harry spread the creme with his index finger lightly . The creme felt rather cold as she shivered . Almost soothing the pain down .

" I am going to my office in a bit " Harry mumbled as he hold her hand still after he was done putting the creme on her wrist . He threw the creme on the bed lightly as he looked up at her , his fingers parting her hair and tucking them behind her ear , his thumb brushing her cheek lightly before he put his hand down on the thigh . his other hand still griping her hand lightly . he doest have to tell her byt he did .

" Do whatever you like , i ll be back for dinner "

Annaliese nodded looking at her hand .

" Will bring some food for the dinner " Harry sighed as he pinches the bridge of his nose . He is not a fan of takeout he is more into home made food . He stood up and walked towards the couch where he had slept , bending down he picked his Tom shoes , making his back to bed as he sat down and bend while slipping his shoes on

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