Content is what you want

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Harry stepped out of his Audi R5 , shutting the door lightly as he made his way up the stairs to his house . Turning the knob as he entered shrugging his coat off , he threw it on the couch as he made his made to the living room .

He was damn tired .All day he did nothing but work . Not just the work worn him out but also the thinking about his married life .

He raked his finger through his hair as he walked to the living room . Sopping dead in tracks as he spotted His Dad sitting on the couch tapping on his phone .

'Now what he wants ' Harry thought biting his lip looking at the man .

Robert looked up as he sensed a presence in the room . Smiling brightly he stood up greeting his son

" Son "

Harry nodded in reply clearing his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck , his head tilted to a side as he looked everywhere but him .

" Harold it would be better if we sit and talk about the matters , yeah ? "

Harry huffed as he sat across from his , loosening his tie as he leaned back looking at his Dad with a poker face .

How much could Harry afford to stay mad at his Dad . He can never stay mad at his Dad forever .

" Son , its time that you get a grip of yourself , Life is just ... so little that you ll never know when it slip through your fingers "
Robert leaned back placing his hands in his lap looking down at his fingers as he twiddle his thumbs . Harry sighed with a touch of annoyance as he looked at his Dad to continue .

" I want you to not only live but find someone who can make you happy , that's what am trying . But i did not realize that forcing someone into something is not always a good way "

Robert looked up at his son who looked away instantly .

" I should just come to my point " Robert said while chuckling nervously .

"I uh you can invite Lidia to the uh Hone- T Trip "

Harry widened his eyes at his Dad who stood picking his coat .

" On Wednesday you ll be leaving by my private jet . You can call everyone in "

Harry stood up looking at his Father who smiled lightly .

" She is not going " Harry mumbled as he looked at his father , a sad smile played on his lips . Robert raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything .

" Just boys and Hazel will join us " Harry mumbled earning a brief nod from his Father .

" I got to go now , have some unfinished business to work on . I ll see you before you leave okay "

Harry reluctantly hugged his father , but the second he felt the warmth he was reluctant to let go . Robert rubbed his back kissing his temple .

" May you get all the happiness you deserve "

Robert muttered against his forehead . They both pulled away with a smile . Rubbing Harry's arm, lastly , Robert picked his coat throwing a soft smile at his son he left swiftly .

Harry sighed running his hands through his mess of curls as he made his way towards kitchen .

Annaliese was garnishing a plate as she sprinkled sliced garlic on top of a chicken resting on the plate .She was wearing a black strapless top and a red skirt , her hair pulled in a hair clip as but few strands of hair made its way out of the grip and were handing . She looked up as she noticed a pair of brown boots at the doorway . Her heart raced faster as Harry walked towards the table , pulling the chair back as he sat . Annaliese hurried towards the table settling the plate in the middle . Harry's eyes traveled from her to the table . Annaliese picked a spoon as she bend a little beside him , making Harry turn his head , his eyes meet the chain hanging from her neck . letting out a sigh as she pulled away settling a plate infront of him . Harry looked at plate notinig some rice and some vegetable mixed , a chicken wing settled at the side , coriander leaves sprinkled on top .

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