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   We let them 

                            Brake us and Make us 

 hey hey , you ll catch cold "  Harry said as he snaked his hands around the slim waist ,pulling her body to his chest. He frowned as he pulled the girl to his warmth. 

" The hell you are doing Samantha? You ll get sick" he murmured as he dipped his head in the back of her neck. Samantha giggled as she leaned in his warmth but stayed put as she watched the rain drizzled. She leaned her hand out as the drops of water fell on her palm. The cold feeling spreading the writhe in her back. 
" Wont that be amazing, H. Me laying in bed and you in kitchen making a nice breakfast?" Her smooth and somewhat musical voice reached his ear . He chuckled shaking his head.

" Don't I do that to you almost every morning?" he mumbled as he kissed the lobe of her ear. 

" Hmm , its been soo long Haz. Your nose is always in that Laptop and files" Samantha mumbled rolling her brown orbs. 
"Oh. So You wanted my attention that's why you were dancing in the rain?" Harry asked with amazement lacing his voice.

" Hmmm, Maybe?" Samantha giggled as she flicked her hand making the water in her palm sprinkle on Harry's face. 

       " You were dancing with him" Harry mumbled as he sat on the couch with a calm posture but his heart was writhing in pain beneath his skin. 
" Haz, yes i was . God Dam nit. I was just dancing. " Samantha snapped sourly as she dabbed a cotton ball on her cheeks to remove the layer of make up.  Harry looked at her back with disbelief. 

" I told you not to hang out with him ,   " 

" Now Harry that's just so ridiculous" Samantha huffed rolling her eyes. Harry stayed put after that looking down at his feet.

" Harry , Babe," Samantha sighed as she sat beside him. Her hand resting on his shoulder as she kissed his cheek." Babe you are just so stressed under the pressure of you Father, that you just assume things" 
Harry closed his eyes as he turned his head away. His breath coming shorts.

" You are just assuming things because you are depressed" Harry sighed as he listened to the music.

" But don't worry, I am here for you. we will get through it" She gave a light squeeze to his shoulder as Harry turned around capturing her lips.  And Harry believed her that he was indeed deppressed. But was he? 

          " If it wasn't for money i wouldn't be with that Bipolar" Samantha said with so much hate that it seemed like venom was dripping from her mouth. Harry listened carefully , his posture stiff, his heart was halted, the beating was stopped. His face held no emotion as he leaned on the wall to hear more.

" Babe, just dump him already, I cant take it anymore" A man's voices reached Harry's ear. He stiffened but stayed calm, his heart starting to beat as Harry took shaky breaths.

" That Bipolar has money Eden. Just few more months and i ll be free. I am also tired. God , did i tell you how much he is a stupid and to add that he is also a bipolar. Huh Mental" She scoffed at the end. 
That was enough Harry to hear. 

      " Harry, please save me . HARRY" Harry watched Samantha struggled to get to surface but her hands and legs were tied that made it hard to resist the current flow. Harry silently cried as he watched his Love being sucked by the water. His Father and his men walked away when they were satisfied to know that the girl is no where to be seen. Harry run towards the water. He stumbled on the way as he cried. when he reached the water he dipped down and swam towards a body that was no re surfing. He cradled her body to his chest and swam to the shore. He cried when he held her. He did everything to make her breath again. But her blue  lips were wide opened her eyes wide opened but he heart was stopped. He cried all night as Zayn and Louis buried her dead body. Harry screamed and thrashed in Niall's arms as he felt himself disgusted. 

                  Samantha's Father had some grudges towards the Styles family. He Killed Harry's father and his mother. He killed Robert's wife. Just for the sake of money and some rivalry. Now Robert had to seek avenge and when he came to know about Samantha cheating Harry. He couldn't take it anymore and killed the girl the same way when they killed his wife. 

          Harry was devastated after that. Even Samantha cheated on him and was not loyal. But Harry loved her from the core of his heart. He loved her. After that Harry became somethin that he thought he was. Bipolar. That's what he became. He would shag a girl from  the club and would dump them. But he was okay with that because it didn't have to involve any feelings. He would scream one minute then would laugh the other minute. 

Harry's eyes closed tightly as the silent tears rolled down his cheeks. All the memory hitting him like a truck. His mind was occupied but his heart was writing in pain. He still loves the girl. That's why he doesn't let anyone in. He still thinks he has some problem with his mind. 

He looked at the sleeping girl who was under the warmth of the blanket. A smile was touching her lips. Harry smiled as he watched the girl. Her chest heaved up as she took the calm breaths. 

Harry remembered when he had  her hand burned. He was feeling the pain He didn't want to hurt her but then he did want to. he had to. Because he is not normal. He is just a Bipolar boy. Who acts the way it should be.  

 But now he wont hurt anyone. If he was hurt that didn't give him right to hurt anyone. He will carry on with his life but with a new start. He will start his life again but with a smile.  

When oldie told him "Let the love feel you" He dint know the meaning now he knows the meaning. There was always love around him. But he never felt it. When Samantha died he thought he wont feel the love. But now he feels like he should love the Lads, his father and Annaliese. And then he will have love in return. even though the boys and his father had never stopped loving him. they loved him and will always do.

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