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Third person point of view they made it to sams apartment sam was about to tell Alex that they were their but saw her laying in the back asleep. He felt really bad for his sister he got in the back and picked Alex up and got out of bumblebee. "Bee you take the freight elevator I'll see you up Their". Sam said. He and Carly walking up the steps sam realized that Alex didn't feel as heavy as she used to. Sam and Carly walking into the apartment he let Bumblebee In he then walked into his room and laid Alex down and put her under the covers but he saw blood on her sleeves. Oh no this better now be what I think it is he thought. He rolled up her sleeves he saw cuts and dried blood he frowned he felt heartbroken his sister would do this and not come to him. "Oh Alex". He said. "Carly". He called out for his girlfriend. "Yea sam?". She asked. "Get me the first aid kit". He said. He rolled up the other sleeve and Saw the same thing as the other one. He didn't know how bad she was about Optimus and Ironhide. He then saw some writing in her arm with sharpie he got a closer to look at it he gasped lowly "not enough". It said. "I'm so sorry Alex". He said. "I got the first aid kit". Carly said. Sam grabbed the first aid kit from her hands He went through it he took out the peroxide and bandages "Carly can you go get a towel for me". Sam said. "Yea sure". Carly said. She left sam rubbed his sisters hand "it'll be okay after this you won't have to live alone ever again I'll be the good brother I should have been I promise Alex you won't be alone anymore". He said. "Here sam". Carly said. She gave him the towel. Sam grabbed it and dabbed it with peroxide. He gently ran it over the cuts cleaning them. Alex whimpered in her sleep Carly came and sat on the bed brushing Alex's hair out of Alex's face "it's okay Alex". She said. When Sam was done he saw how it really looked "damn it Alex". He said to himself. He saw the many cuts on her arms he grabbed the bandages and rapped them around her arms tight but not to tightly. Alex was sweating in her sleep. Sam took the blanket off her to cool her off. Sam stayed with her for two hours he was getting tired Carly was already sleeping on the couch in the living room. He got up he kissed his sisters forehead "everything's going to be okay I promise". He said. He made sure the little bots were with her knowing they calmed her down. He went out in the living room. He saw bee still awake. He walked toward him "bee?". Sam said. Bumblebee looked at sam sam walked over to bumblebee and grabbed his mouth holder "you miss hanging out Yeah me to". Sam said. He patted bumblebee on the side of the head. Bumblebee looked toward the room where Alex slept he made a whimpering sound. "She's okay bee she's just a little...I don't know bee she's not doing so good but she didn't mean what she said she's really beating herself up for it literally". Sam said holding up the bloody rag. "Theirs nothing to forgive She's right we never come over anymore and she made us realize that". Bumblebee said through the radio. "It's okay bee Your here now and I think she's happy with you here". Sam said. Bumblebee nodded his head "night bee see ya tomorrow". Sam said. He walked over to the couch and laid down next to Carly falling asleep fast. Three hours later sam woke up to being shook awake he opened his eyes seeing both trapjaw and wheelie on top of him shaking him awake. "What is it guys?". Sam said. "It's Alex she's moving around and whimpering in her sleep I think she's having a nightmare she's sweating big time". Wheelie said. Sam groaned rolling over hitting the ground. He got up and walked to the room Alex was sleeping in he could hear her whimpering in her sleep he walked into the room and walked toward the bed. He saw her moving around she was sweating bad the signs of hanging a nightmare. He got on the bed he shook Alex a little bit but it didn't wake her up he sighed "Come on Alex wake up". He said. But nothing worked she mumbled in her sleep. He got closer to hear what she was saying "Ironhide please don't go please I'm sorry!". She said louder. "Alex it's okay he's okay please wake up". Sam said. "Optimus don't leave me please I'm sorry OPTIMUS!". She said even louder. Sam held his sister in his arms "Come on Alex they're okay please wake up". He said. "NO leave him alone don't JAZZ". She yelled. Sam jumped out of the bed and ran to the living room "bee you need to call Optimus Ironhide and jazz now she's not waking up and it's going to get worse". Sam said. Bumblebee was going to call them when sam heard a knock at the door. He ran to the door wondering who that could be that this hour. He opened the door he saw both Optimus Ironhide and jazz in their holoform they were sweating "what happened to you guys?". Sam asked them. "We didn't know what your apartment number was we had to check all of them". Optimus said out of breath. "Some Of them flirted with us too". Jazz said smirking. Ironhide scoffed and hit jazz behind the head. "Nows not the time jazz". Ironhide growled at him. "Don't let Alex hear that". Sam said. They all looked for the short girl they loved "where is she?". They said. Then they heard loud whimpering in the room they followed the sound to sams room. "Guys She's not doing so good I've seen this before but when we were younger she's having a nightmare". Sam said. They sped walked to the room after hearing that. They walked into the doorway of the room they stopped seeing Alex squirm In the bed and whimpering loudly. They got in the bed with her Ironhide grabbed one arm and Optimus grabbed the other they pinned her arms to the bed to keep her calm jazz was brushing his fingers through her hair. "Ironhide no don't leave me I'm sorry please don't die on me". She whimpered. Ironhide bent down and kissed her forehead "I'm right here sweetspark I'm not going anywhere". He said. "Optimus NO why please don't leave me again please NO why". She whimpered loudly. She squirmed in the bed her arms trying to get out of their Hold. "Shh Alex I'm okay I'm right here Theirs not reason to be afraid". Optimus said. But that didn't do much either "NO jazz don't megatron leave him alone NO JAZZ". She yelled in her sleep. Her eyes opened in shock and fear she looked at Ironhide Optimus and jazz "sweetspark?". Ironhide said. He went to touch her "NO you killed them get away you killed them!". She yelled. She tried to hit them but Optimus and Ironhide both grabbed her arms the sleeves rolled Down they saw the bandages their eyebrows lowered in confusion but they'd focus on that later. They laid her down on the bed she started to cry "no you killed them please no more please Ironhide Optimus jazz I'm sorry I love you". She said. (She wasn't seeing them she was seeing other things) Ironhide and Optimus comforted her and calmed her down. "It's okay Alex it's okay we're here". Both Optimus and Ironhide said. She calmed down to their voice and touch after that. "Ironhide Optimus jazz I'm sorry". She said. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. They both laid down by each side of Alex jazz laid on the end of the bed. Ironhide and Optimus ran there hands through her hair. They looked at her arms what happened to her? "She took it to hard when you guys didn't visit anymore she couldn't take it anymore I didn't know how bad it was till I saw it for myself she cuts and starves herself that's why I'm keeping her here with me so she doesn't do anything to herself I told her she could stay with you guys after all this is over but I with mearing being all bossy I don't know I don't think she'll care who she is to you she won't allow it it's not in her book". Sam said from the doorway. Both Ironhide and Optimus growled "well make her understand the old bat will have to go through us first Alex is ours and she can't say a thing about it we Follow Alex where ever she goes she can't tell us anything about that thinking she can just come in here and tell us what to do and who we can't be with hell no". Ironhide said growling. Sam sighed seeing jazz already asleep on the bed hugging Alex's foot "we'll figure this out tomorrow she needs her sleep Lennox will probably want you back by tomorrow morning though". Sam said. He went to leave "sam". Ironhide said. "Yea?". Sam said. "Thanks for taking care of her when we couldn't". He said. "Of course she's my sister and siblings got to stick together". Sam said leaving the room. Optimus and Ironhide cuddled up to Alex sighing They missed her touch her warm skin on Theirs. Alex cuddled into Ironhide her legs twined in Optimus's legs she sighed in happiness "Ironhide Optimus". She said in her sleep. They both put a arm around her "we love you Our sweetspark Just remember that and don't ever let anyone tell you we don't we'll never leave you again not for that long". They said together. They both fell into recharge holding onto their sparkmate in peace.

Their angel Optimus and Ironhide sequel To my autobotsWhere stories live. Discover now