Sam to the Rescue

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Alex's point of view I felt weak I laid against the cold wall I didn't know if it was the injuries or the fact that my soulmates were dead and gone. I smiled weakly to myself I'll see them again I know I will after I die I'll get to see them again. I was taken out of the room and into the kitchen where the maids were Dylan came in "so not going to talk". He said. "Screw you". I said.
Sam's point of view we made it to the building I ran across the ship and jumped onto the balcony I held the gun looking to see if anyone was coming I bent down behind a counter do no one could see me I heard footsteps "I'm so sick of this I'm just sick of waiting for you to talk I don't know why megatron even wants you". I heard Dylan's voice. "Screw you you killed them you asswipe I'll never talk". I heard Alex's voice. Alex! I heard the refrigerator open I got up and pointed the gun at him "where is she, step away from her!". I yelled. I got closer "I said step away from her!". I yelled at him. "Sam?". Alex said. He looked at me "you got some balls". He said. But then I was attacked i tired to get it off me it carried me out of the window "SAM No!". I heard Carly and Alex yell. It dropped me making me fall but bee caught me with the decepticon ship. He lifted me up Carly and Alex were being pulled away "Carly Alex!". I yelled. "Carly, Alex!". I yelled. They both fought the men holding them. They ran toward the balcony "jump!". I yelled. They both jumped Alex was a little off but made it barley. She was hanging over the side I stretched out my hand for her to grab she grabbed my hand and I pulled her up. She didn't look to good she looked like shit Optimus and Ironhide aren't going to be happy. Bumblebee started to shoot at the building but then the bird like decepticon attacked me the ship started to go out of control I screamed. Carly and Alex were with bee I put the decepticons head next to the head of the gun on the ship "bee fire!". I yelled. Bumblebee shot at the decepticons head it killed it. The ship was crashing into buildings and hit the ground rolling.
Alex's point of view
My body hurt like hell if I weren't injured earlier It would have been awesome. I rubbed the blood out from my eyes I looked at bee "bee!". I said surprised and shocked I was so happy he was alive wait if he's alive so are the others my heart started to beat fast I was so happy my soulmates weren't dead after all and I wasn't going to die. He looked at me and did his little noises I missed them. "Hey bee!". I said. "Alex your hurt". He said through the radio. I smiled "oh this I had worse I'm okay". I said. I looked over to Carly "hey Carly you Okay". I asked her. "Yea I'm okay I should be asking you though". She said. I laughed "I know I look like shit but I'm still alive nothing can take me out". I said. She opened the opening from the top of us and for out. I tried to get out but me being short it was impossible I tried hopping still I couldn't get to the top. I whined "bee a little help please". I said begging him with my best puppy dog eyes. He picked me up with his hand and helped me up I climbed out. I slid down getting to the ground I stumbled and fell to the ground my legs were a little shaky from earlier and from my injuries. I felt a hands help me up I looked up I saw Sam helping me up "Alex". He said. I wiped my mouth from the extra blood. "I know I know I look like shit but I'm okay I've had worse". I said. I tried to stand up my back really bad I leaned back and felt it pop a little ah that felt a little better. I heard cars coming toward us I looked my smiled got huge they were here. Epps came over to sam "well your crazy". Epps said to sam. They hugged sam pointed to the thing on the ground beside us. "What is that? Is that us?". Sam asked. "This is a military UAV stone check and see if it's still working". Epps said. We walked over to it welp I kinda limped from being stabbed in the leg but after some good painkillers I'll be okay. "Yeah still got power". The stone guy said. "Flight control do you copy can you rotate? Can you do something?". Epps said. He hit it "come on work! Work! Work!". He said. "Can you rotate is something". He said. The camera like thing rotated toward us "yes yes okay okay they can see us". He said. Epps moved so sam can get in front of it "Chicago is ground zero do you understand can you hear us you understand?". Sam said. Then Carly got in front I didn't cause all this shit is new to me. "Please listen sentinel prime is here and he has the pillars to his space bridge they're on top of a building on Chicago river its owned by hotchkiss Gould investments now the pillars that controls everything is in the Southeast cupola". Carly said. "you got to destroy the pillar You have to shoot down the pillar or they're going to transport cybertron here do you understand do you understand". Sam said. I when they were finished I walked over to ironhides car form I patted his hood I smiled "hey babe". I said. I moved back he transformed he looked down at me "sweetspark". He said. He picked me up in his hand he rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I saw in his optics was concern and sadness "hey I'm Okay I've had worse Okay I'm okay now it's You I was worried about you afthole you guys made me think you guys were dead what the hell?". I said. I had my hands on my hips looking at him. "Sweetspark we had to we had to make them think we were gone so they wouldn't try anything we had to make a plan I didn't mean to worry you I didn't know they would do this to you". He said. His voice seemed sad man I didn't like this part of Ironhide he usually had his tough phase on I hated when he was sad it always made me sad. I climbed up to his shoulder I kissed his cheek "it's okay babe all that matters is that your both here". I said. I heard the air coming from him I giggled I haven't heard that sound since the first time I kissed his cheek "still got that effect on you huh hide". I said. He grumbled under his breathe. He took me from his shoulder "are you sure your okay do you need ratchet to look you over". He said concerned. I smiled I loved how worried he gets over nothing. "I'm okay hide I'll make you a deal after this after we win I'll make sure ratchet looks me over and then we can go home and I'll give you a massage would you like that". I said winking at him. He chuckled "you know I would sweetspark". He said. I looked over to Optimus he seemed a little intense more then usual "he seems more intense then usual what's with him?". I said. "He's a little worried about what's going to happen and he was worried when sam said you were taken we both were after this I'm going to shot the people that hurt you in the aft no one hurts my sparkmate". He said growling. God that sounded hot "okay sure Mr. hot shot let's just get this over with". I said. I spotted Optimus talking to sam "we need to move before the fighters spot us wait here until Scout ahead Lets roll ratchet cover high". He said. He passed us he looked at me with concern and love in his eyes he rubbed my cheek with his thumb I leaned into it "be careful my beautiful sweetspark I love you". He said. I smiled against his thumb "i Love to big guy you to be careful". I said. I looked at Ironhide "hide can you set me down you need to go with your team". I said. "Just be careful till I get back Okay". He said. I smiled at him "I never am danger always follows me but it never can take me out". I said sassy. He smiled "that's my girl". He said. I kissed his cheek "I'll always be your girl now you be careful or I'll kick your aft you have a lot of aft kicking when this is over you hear me". I Said. "I can't wait". He said. He put me down softly "don't be so sarcastic you afthole". I said. "I swear you spend to much time with me". He said jokingly. "You know you love it". I said. "That I do". He said. "I love you both now be careful you hear me". I said. "Yes sweetspark". They both said. They soon left I lifted my shirt up damn that didn't look good at least it stopped bleeding. Sam was talking to one of the soldiers "hey think we could use that rocket to shoot down the pillar?". Sam said. "We're eight blocks away we got to get closer to take a shot". Epps said. "Not closer higher we need a clear line of shot". A soldier said. "And it's across the river gonna have a hell of a time trying to sneak up". Epps said. "We only got one shot". A soldier said holding up one rocket. "One shots all we need". Sam said.
God I hope we survive this I really do I just want to go home and sleep this shit off If I do live this out I'm going to sleep cuddling up to my soulmates and no one can say shit about it I'll kick this asses if they do no one messes with me or my soulmates ever.

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