Russian bar

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Alex's point of view we were in a regular car I honestly didn't know where we were going. I was in the back as usual in the middle of sam I  "going to a gig on the hunt for two Russian cosmonauts nothing like driving in a mayback Germans know to make cars let me tell you". Simmons said. We stopped they were looking for people well Simmons and Dutch were. "My Dutchman former NSA cyberleuth extraordinaire tracked them down here so these cosmonauts went into hiding why?". Simmons said. "Bingo I got a match". Dutch said. "Your a German Shepherd Dutch". Simmons said. We got out of the car and went to the back Simmons got a gun out of the trunk. "The thing about Russians is they never like to talk it's gonna take a little of the international language". Simmons said. We walked toward the bar Their was a metal door. Simmons knocked on it. The sliding slot opened their was a mans eyes looking at us. Simmons said something in Russian. "That means goodbye". The man said before closing the slot. Simmons whispered something to Dutch Dutch Gave him a twenty dollar bill. He then knocked on the door again the sliding slot opened again Simmons said something else in Russian and gave the man the money. The man took the money and said something in Russian also. He opened the metal door. Wow just for money I'll think of that next time. We walked inside their was some people I felt under dresses from how nicely dressed people were. "Dutch give me something tough". Simmons said. Dutch was looking through a little book "Baryshnikov". Dutch said. We were by two men's table "we do speak English". One of the men said. Simmons looked at Dutch "Dutch you suck". Simmons said. I laughed lowly so they wouldn't hear me laugh. Dutch looked nervous "it's a Cyrillic alphabet it's like all the buttons you never push on a calculator". Dutch said. Simmons sat down at the men's table. "I don't suck". Dutch said. "Agent Seymour Simmons sector eight formerly eight we know who you are cosonautchiks". Simmons said. "So what?". The Second man said. "You were supposed to travel to the dark side of the moon then It all god shut down the question is why?". Simmons said playing with a alcohol glass. He put the glass down and poured himself a glass. The women next to the first man said something in Russian. I walked behind Simmons and grabbed his glass and drank it. It burned my throat but I definitely needed it. I put the glass down and walked back to where Dutch was. He was reading the little book again at the bar "can you child smoke in here?". He said. The women at the bar said something in Russian. But the women at the men's table said something to and pulled out a gun oh shit. My eyes widened I grabbed one of the liquor bottles and started to drink from it I wasn't going to deal with this shit without something like this. The lady at the bar pulled out a shotgun Dutch moved me out of the way. The women pointed her gun at us. The women at the table had her gun up to Simmons nose "go ahead shoot me". He said. She said something in Russian. "I'm willing to die for my county are you?". He said. The women said something in Russian. I took another drink I saw Dutch turn around. He had this scary looking expression on his face he still had his hands up. The women said something but I didn't understand any of it. "You are beautiful has anyone told you your beautiful she's a beautiful women". Simmons said to the women. Oh great we're sweet talking people now that's great. The women at the bar poked me with her gun again I was getting pissed now no one pokes me with a gun no one I slammed the liquor on the floor and punched the lady in the face. I beat her up a little bit making sure she stayed down Dutch was beating up some other dudes. Dutch grabbed the shot gun he pointed it around he pointed it at one of the guys. He made the guy get low his eyes looked so emotionless shit that's scary. "Dutch back in the cage". Simmons said. Dutch yelled and pointed two guns in two directions. "Dutch Hold Dutch Hold!". Simmons said. "Control your boy please control your boy". Sam said. A guy held a gun to his head. "Dutch Stop!". Simmons said loudly. Simmons said something in Russian I think I didn't know. Dutch dropped the smaller gun but still held onto the shotgun "I'm so sorry that is the old me". Dutch said. "Okay lets everybody calm down let's lower the heat lower the guns let's relax World War II is over". Simmons said. Everything went quit. The two men took us to a room. "You are about to see one of the biggest soviet secrets America's first to send man to the moon but USSR first to send camera". The first man said. He showed us a picture of some sorts "in 1959 our Luna 3 take picture of the dark the shadow side sees nothing back in 1963 Luna four sees...". The first man said. "Strange rocks"  the second man said. "Yeah around the ship hundreds of them Yeah show picture". The first man said. The second man gave sam the picture I looked at it over Sams shoulder. "With some drag marks". The first man said. "I've seen these these aren't rocks these are pillars". Sam said. Does he mean the pillars that sentinel prime wants back. "Alien pillars a space bridge we know about them because the autobots have five of them". Sam said. Yep I was right damn it. "The decepticons must have raided the ship before Apollo 11 ever got their took the pillars and hid them". Simmons said. "It doesn't make sense the decepticons have the ship they have all those pillars why would they leave sentinel when he's the only one who can use them?". Sam said. My brain started to work my eyes widened oh shit "unless...". Simmons said. "He's the one thing they still need". Sam said. "We got to go". I said. Sam got up and we started to walk out of the place "we got to meet up with the sentinel rendezvous with him and keep him safe". Sam said. We walked out of the place and we drove to some abandoned warehouse. Sam was on the phone with mearing I was with bee I leaned on his door "bee why does it feel like Something bad going to happen". I said. He did some beeps "I know I know I really hope we live through this one". I said. He did more beeps "Yea right bee what I said to them I don't think so just not right now". I said. "Mearing I just picked up sentinel Optimus is ten minutes behind". Sam said. I sighed great just great. I heard bee do more beeps "I guess your right bee". I said. Sentinel cams driving past us I still had a bad feeling about him me and Sam got in bee while Simmons got in the normal car with Dutch bee started to drive. "Were coming to NEST now listen the whole thing has been a setup since the beginning the decepticons wanted Optimus to find sentinel because only Optimus could revive him". Sam said. She said something but I couldn't hear it I tapped him and mouthed him to put it on speaker he did. "Mearing you have five pillars I just learned that they have hundreds your doing exactly what they wanted you to do what do you want me to say to you the decepticons are coming for sentinel prime". Sam said. She didn't say anything I think she hung up she knows we're right and she thinks we're just messengers ha take that.

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