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((JEAN'S P.O.V.))

I was in the stables taking care of the horses. It was thundering out, and the storm was stirring them up and making them a bit uneasy. I gave the horses their hay and fresh water, and took out an apple. I walked up to my horse I usually rode on missions and fed her the apple in my hand.

I stroked her nose, as she looked at me with large brown eyes full of fear. I shushed her, and calmed her a bit, and spoke quietly. "Shhhh.... It's alright girl, I'm here... This storm's not gonna hurt ya... Shhh...." The horse calmed a bit, and I stopped petting her nose. "Good girl..." I smiled at the horse as I listened to the sound from the rain hitting the roof of the stables.

I looked outside and saw lightening strike off in the distance. And then a loud roar of thunder came not long after. I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head, and walked out of the stables.

I stepped onto the earthen path and just walked around. I planned to go walk around to just take a load off. I looked up at the sky, and felt the cool rain soak my hair and face. It felt nice and refreshing. I let out a sigh and tugged on the hood of the cloak as I kept walking.

I then began humming a random tune in my head as I walked down the deserted street. I turned to look at the building where all the members of the Survey Corps stayed. I saw Eren run into the building with Mikasa and Armin, and that made me wish my friend was here with me.

I looked down at my feet as I kept walking forward. I dug my hands in my pocket and remembered Marco's bright smile, his several freckles, and his words of encouragement. I exhaled deeply, and kicked a stone in front of me.

I watched it go a few feet, and I kept doing this for a while. I had so much on my mind, and just wished for Marco to be here with me... I couldn't stop thinking of him and the image of him would never leave my mind... It was always there...

I then kept walking when suddenly I heard a voice.


I shook my head. I recognized the voice, but it was impossible. I just kept going. There was no way it was him... That kid I was talking to a few weeks ago was probably talking about a different person... But then I heard it again.


I looked up and turned to look on the opposite side of the street. I blinked, thinking I was just losing it, or my eyes were playing tricks on me. "M...Marco...?" I said slowly. I rubbed my eyes and blinked again.

"Jean..." The voice called out and the figure that looked like Marco approached me. As it drew closer, it became more and more clear.

I gasped. "Marco..."

"Jean!" Marco shouted as he finally stood before me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. He was soaked and his hair was plastered flat on his head due to the rain. He was still wearing that trainees uniform jacket.

I smiled and looked at my friend. "Marco... But... I thought you were dead... I saw your corps..." I whispered as I returned his hug... Not planning on letting go for the longest time.

"It was someone else... Annie saved me."

"Then how come you never came back till now?"

Marco let go and looked down at his feet. I noticed his cheeks were rosy red and he seemed a bit bashful as he scratched his cheek. "Well... I was gonna thank her for saving me, but then I tripped and fell off a stupid roof..." He looked up at me as if he was saying, "yeah I know, dorky move..."

"You moron..." I chuckled. "So like you..." I then hugged him again but quickly let go. "Wait, you said Annie saved you?"

Marco nodded. "Yeah, so?"

"Annie was a Titan shifter... She attacked us... She crystalized herself and is now..." I held Marco by his shoulders, not finishing the sentence since his eyes were full of shock and dissapointment and his smile was replaced with a small frown.

"H-how?" Marco whispered.

"It's... It's a long story..." I said looking away. "Look, it doesn't matter. You're back and that is all that matters! I was worried about you sick and now you're back."

Marco giggled. "I missed you too Jean... I missed you too."

I then smirked. "Oh!" I quickly pulled off my cloak and put it over Marco. "It'll keep you warm till we reach the building..." I then walked my friend to the building I saw Eren enter not too long ago. Everyone was gonna be in for a big surprise!

{SnK} I Never Left but... Did You Miss Me? (Jean X Marco)Where stories live. Discover now