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Sorry I'm gonna start writing from a different perspective

It was this time that Yoongi knew he fucked up. He is currently being stared at by the entire table and even Jimin was in a state of shock but he also realized that this was none of his business and he was meddling in someone else's affairs. He doesnt even remember why he was so mad or upset that Jisso made Jimin suffer...


No... It can't be true... do I have a crush on Jimin?

Thoughts circle through Yoongi's mind causing him to run out of Jimin's house and down the street, not stopping despite the voices calling his name. Despite Jimin telling him to stop.

Later that night around 3am or so Yoongi decides to go home only to find Jimin sleeping on his front porch in nothing but a sweater and some skinny jeans. The weather tonight was not kind, a cool breeze made it feel like mid fall and almost screams that winter is almost here.

Jimin's cheeks are a bright pink and his ears have gone red from the cold as have his hands. Slowly and carefully Yoongi picks him up and carries him inside his house and up to his room.

Luckily his parents have gone to sleep so no one was bombarding him with questions as to why he was home so late and why he ran off. Though the only thing he feared is the lecture he's going to receive from Jimin in the morning. Regardless he changes into sweat pants and a black tank top and climbs into bed beside Jimin, holding him tight to warm up his ice cold skin.

He can feel Jimin cuddle closer to his chest, his freezing ears causing Yoongi's breath to hitch. His body was shivering under Yoongi's touch so he brought the blanket up over his shoulders but not over Jimin's face and went to sleep once Jimin's body temperature was back to normal.

The morning as Yoongi suspected was a disaster. Jimin bombarding him with a million questions while Yoongi tries to hold in his tears from Jimin's great concern for his safety. But for Yoongi, he feels butterflies in his stomach when Jimin's smile spreads across his soft face when he sees Yoongi's own gummy smile.

"I'm sorry for running off, and I know it wasn't right of me to medal in your affairs. I truly am sorry" Yoongi sighs, unable to look Jimin in the eye.

"I am just happy you're safe, you really scared me. I could only think the worst because last time you made yourself get beat up. I could almost hear the hospital call ringing in my ears" Jimin cries. With that last sentence Yoongi allowed the tears to flow sobbing uncontrollably, his body shaking immensely. Jimin was even more concerned but Yoongi knew these weren't tears of sadness, but of joy.

Jimin caring about him, the warmth of his embrace. These were things Yoongi only dreamed of feeling and it was too much and his joy showed in his tears.

"There, there, everything is alright" Jimin cooed. After an hour of sobbing Yoongi was able to calm down and just cuddle with his head in the crook of Jimin's neck.

He liked the smell of Jimin's cologne, it doesn't smell like vile Axe but almost like peaches. It is pleasant and sweet which is exactly what Jimin is, its exactly what Yoongi is looking for, or rather longing for.

"I can't believe this" Yoongi sobs.

"Believe what?" Jimin asks.

"I can't believe I-I have a crush on you."

"Aren't we a bit too old to use the term crush." Jimin laughs as Yoongi lazily tries to push him but when their gazes meet you can tell that he is being serious regardless of his childish words, he likes Jimin a lot.

" I mean it Jiminie I really do like you, I don't know when it started but-"

"You feel lightheaded when you see me and when we hug your heart beat quickens and you can never stop staring" Jimin interrupts.

"You know?!" Yoongi screams, quickly covering his mouth for his parents might still be sleeping.

"I only figured it out when I started doing the same" Jimin smiles.

It took a moment for Yoongi to figure out what Jimin meant and when he did his eyes lit up light stars, his smile so bright it could blind you, but there was no mistaking it when he jumped into Jimin's arms pulling the younger as close as possible. The happiness between them is nothing short of breathtaking almost nothing can ruin it... besides his parents barging through his bedroom door.

"Min Yoongi! Where have you been I've been worried sick, Mrs. Park said you ran off and we couldn't reach your cell, what were you doing?" Mrs. Min cries.

"I went to clear my head, I left my phone at Jimin's so I couldn't contact anyone, I'm sorry" Yoongi sighs. His voice is cold like always, he is never friendly towards his parents, the resentment in his heart was too much to bare so his tolerance for them is running thin.

"Well I'm just happy you're home, don't forget your phone regardless if you're running out in a hurry or not" Mr. Min says as they close the door. Yoongi is shaking in anger but Jimin's hands stroking his back calms him. It is moments like this that he cherishes most, ones of love and comfort when he is almost unused to the feeling, making it all the more special. The best part is that Jimin is the only one who can make him feel this way and that is something he will always treasure.

"I am sorry for leaving and I didn't mean to yell at your guests, me being one myself" Yoongi apologizes.

"You are family to me Hyung and I will always care." With that Jimin leans over and kisses Yoongi on the cheek surprising him.

" With that Jimin leans over and kisses Yoongi on the cheek surprising him

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"What was that for?"

"It's a promise that I will be here for you no matter what, because we found each other for a reason and I have no intention on letting you go."

Omg 102 people read this that's amazing!
Also sorry for the next chapter it published then didn't publish so I am deeply sorry for any confusion.

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