The Arrival Of Yugyeom

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It has been three days since Jimin has been in the hospital and his and Yoongi's condition has been improving and sadly Jimin was diagnosed to have an eating disorder. Yoongi was now in charge of making sure that his little Minnie was fed and at a proper weight for his height and age.

This has been something Yoongi is quite happy about keeping Jimin in check but also to be a supportive boyfriend while they are both ill. Jimin has taken the liberty to decorate their bed with matching bed spreads he asked his mother to buy and no matter how many times Yoongi tried to pay Mrs. Park for the blanket she said it's a gift to help fuel their recovery though by the cute animal print blankets he just thinks it's gonna be an awkward time whenever a nurse or doctor comes in.

They have received many visits such as family members and even Jisso came to give an update as Yugyeom's flight has been delayed so he will be arriving a day late so they have time to recover. But the fear still remains and they are constantly frightened whenever someone opens the door. Still it is baffling that they got ill when they were doing so well and Jimin even gained weight.

Since Yoongi's illness, Jisso's sudden change of heart, and the arrival of Yugyeom in their life the stress has cause Jimin to stop eating and starve himself and he wound up in the hospital.

Still he has realized something in these short few weeks and that is how much he cares for his friends and honestly how amazing they all are to him and more importantly Yoongi. He hasn't been around long and yet has won over the hearts of everyone around him, even if he still hasn't fully put back together his relationship with his parents yet, but they're all improving.

Life is changing for all of them even Hosoek has told them that he wants to become a dancer and even got into Seoul University which everyone is excited about. While Jin will be going on to be a culinary chef and of course Namjoon has no complaints.

Still Jimin needs to get better if he wants to be a professional ballet dancer and Yoongi wants to be a music producer and rapper so he has to rest and work on a demo because he will be graduating soon.

The only thing that is ruining his happiness is the fact that Yugyeom could walk through their door at any minute. Which can cause Jimin a great deal of trouble and Yoongi could get hurt which is his main concern.

"Yoongi do you think I should dance to classical music or to something more up beat and edgy I want my audition performance to be spectacular so what do you think?" Jimin asks, showing song tittles to Yoongi on his phone.

"Anything you choose would be perfect, you are the most beautiful dancer in the world and all these songs would be lucky to have you dance to them, just focus on getting better and maybe I can compose something for you to dance to" Yoongi smiles, turning off Jimin's phone.

"You always know what to say, my angel in black leather" Jimin laughs kissing the elders cheek. They lay down and hold each other for a little while before the nurse comes in to give them some extra nutrients in their IV's. By then Jimin is already fast asleep resting considering that he has very dark circles under his eyes. Just when Yoongi is about to fall asleep his phone rings and he reluctantly answers it.

"Hello?" Yoongi yawns.

"It's Jisso, I got news on Yugyeom's arrival he's arrived and knows where you are" she sighs.

"He won't get by me, I wont let him hurt Jimin!" Yoongi growls.

"Neither will I" Jisso says triumphantly.

"Goodbye for now, see you soon I take it."

"You know it."

A few hours later Jisso came for a visit and brought gifts and like expected some bad news. It turns out that Yugyeom has been talking to their friends trying to get an understanding as to what their relationship is and to see if he really is still into Jisso or not.

Despite her amount of pleading that she has absolutely no feelings for him the boy is head strong and will get to the bottom of it.

He doesn't know which hospital they are in but only that they are in one and he has only three options and he already went to one hospital so its a fifty-fifty chance he will come there next.

"I am concerned that Jimin isn't well enough to try and put up a fight or even give an explanation when Yugyeom is such a bone head that he wont give time for him to speak and will use his fists instead. I am so stupid to have even told Yugyeom about you. Enlightenment came a bit too late for me I guess. I couldn't say how sorry I really am" Jisso sighs.

Despite the annoyance she has given them Yoongi can see in her eyes that she is truly sorry for everything and frankly they are willing to put things aside and just be comrades. There are multiple things they could be mad about but frankly they don't have the time or energy to deal with them so they let it be. They are swirling with multiple problems but when they wake up in the morning the only thing on their mind is each other and life couldn't be happier.

"It's alright I used to act like that due to constantly moving and I just hated beyond belief how much I had to constantly move around. I was rude to everyone and now that I am here with Jimin and all our friends I am so happy. I feel like I put those people down for no reason and I am truly upset that I was capable of hurting so many people.

"You will get over it though it never leaves you so just embrace it and try to make amends, when I get out of here I will be going back to those places, hopefully with Jimin by my side (Jimin hugs Yoongi) and apologizing to as many people as possible. Even though I can't apologize to everyone I will to as many people as possible."

"You are so right, I just...(Ring)." Jisso looks at her phone and freezes. On the caller ID is the name Yugyeom. Before she can answer Yoongi snatches her phone away and answers the call.

"Yugyeom?" Yoongi says.

"Y-Yoongi?!" Yugyeom yells. "It's been so long! How have you been?!"

"Okay until I heard you were in town" Yoongi growls.

"Well that's rude" Yugyeom scoffs.

"What do you want with Jimin?"

"Oh the guy who likes Jisso? He'll get his just deserts."

"Don't go near him or else I will kill you got it?!" Jimin is startled awake surprised by Yoongi's tone, he's heard him angry but this is something that he is shocked by, how could he be so upset and because of him? Could Yoongi love him more than he thought, maybe they have loved each other more than they both thought.

"I guess I'll see you at Seoul Hospital then?" Yugyeom laughs.

"I'll be there."

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