Ch. 20

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Jin and Jimin take their seats in the theater getting ready to enjoy Venom. The movie starts and Jimin begins to eat his popcorn while Jin sips on his coke.

"Why'd you want to go to the movies today?" Jimin yawns.

"Because sleepy head, I know Yoongi canceled diner and that bummed you but hey let's enjoy this movie." To this Jimin could understand. Yes Yoongi said he had to work in the evening and that did make him feel upset. However he knew that he would soon be in Yoongi's shoes and understanding everything.

"Anyways Yoongi has been working on plenty of new songs and doesn't have a choreographer. Maybe I could give you the melody and you could try something... or not."



Jimin chuckles softly and begins to watch the movie. Meanwhile back at Jimin's house Yoongi is beginning to set up a surprise.

"Do we have everything?" Yoongi asks Taehyung, running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

"Yes everything is fine. Yours and Jimin's mom are cooking the food and we have almost everything but the lights put up. Relax man he will say yes" Taehyung reassures the elder.

"For once I agree with Taehyung" Namjoon buds in. " Jimin loves you, he will do anything to keep you, I am surprised he hasn't proposed himself." Yoongi looks around and all his friends and family are nodding in agreement, he feels slightly calmer but thoughts of doubt still run through his head.

Will he like the ring?

Does he love me enough to marry me?

Am I moving too fast?

Suddenly a hand on his shoulder shocks him out of his train of thought and to his surprise Mrs.Park is standing behind him with a big smile on her face.

"I remember being like you once. Young and in love. I made the choice to propose to my late husband. I was so nervous that I kept dropping the ring and leaving it in places that I usually leave groceries. Anyways what I am saying is to believe in yourself, Jimin will probably bawl his eyes out with joy before you get on one knee. Good luck, it will be nice to have two sons to make me proud."

Mrs.Park's words made Yoongi shed a tear. If he could trust anyones judgment it had to be his lovers mom.

Yoongi grabs some ribbons and starts hanging them all over the place, on the door frames and on hanging ornaments that cross like a beautiful web across the sky, strategically placed by Jungkook and Taehyung, while they write down things they're excited for about the young couple and place it in a jar for Jimin and Yoongi to read later.

Yoongi can't help but feel anxious but also very excited, he's awaiting the text that he's on his way home. That his baby may become his wife.

The movie ended and Jimin was laughing and finishing his popcorn while Jin takes out his phone and texts Yoongi.

Jin: We're on our way~

Yoongi: Everyone's ready

Jin: Let's get you a fiancé!!!

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