6. Ice skating

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Scott and Mitch were best friends ever since high school. They lived next to each other and were in classes together. When they went to colleges, they went to the same one and they shared a dorm room together.

Now they are both 25 and they live together in a house in LA. They both work in the music industry, the had a band called Pentatonix and they have Superfruit, their YouTube channel and they also made music as Superfruit.

They know each other a long time and they were inseparable. Scott was a hardworking and driven person. He loved ice skating as a kid, he liked gliding on the ice, it was a way of forgetting about school, stress and problems. He hasn't ice-skated for a couple of years, he was always busy with working of family stuff.

Mitch saw that his best friends was getting stressed, that was one of the things about Scott. Scott was so driven to do things and he said yes to a lot of things and sometimes it became a bit much for Scott.

Mitch wanted to do something for Scott, to help him relax for a bit. He started thinking about things he could do. Than he had the best idea ever, he was going to rent a skating rink.

Mitch made some phone calls and he was able to rent the skating rink for the next day. He took a look in Scott's agenda and cancelled all the things he had to do that day. When Scott went to sleep, he crept in Scott's bedroom and took his phone, and he set the alarm off. He put the phone back and went to his own room.

The next morning, Mitch woke up, he went to Starbucks for him and for Scott. When he came back Scott was still sleeping, so he started breakfast.

Scot woke up around 10, he took a look at his phone, he saw the time and he started panicking, he was late, he had an appointment at 9. He rushed to the living room and saw the breakfast table. He looked around and saw Mitch, Mitch told him to relax and to take a seat, he did that. Scott told Mitch that he was late and that he has to hurry, Mitch than revealed that he had canceled the appointments, so Scott could relax today.

Scott thanked Mitch and they eat breakfast together. They relaxed the rest for the morning, they went out to eat lunch and then Mitch started driving them home, after a couple of minutes, Scott noticed they were not really driving home, they took a different road. Scott asked Mitch what was happening and Mitch said that he had a little surprise for Scott.

When they arrived Scott couldn't believe his eyes, he couldn't believe that he was going to do some ice-skating. They went inside and Scott noticed that it was very empty, he asked why and Mitch ignored the question and he went to the reception and started talking to the woman.

They got their skates and put them on, Mitch also asked for some gloves for the both of them. Scott was very excited but still helped Mitch to put on the skates because Mitch was struggling, he had ice skated once or twice but that's it. He didn't really know how to skate but he wanted to do this for Scott.

When they made their way to the rink, Scott held Mitch's hand, Mitch was really enjoying holding hands with Scott, he liked his best friends but he didn't have the guts to tell Scott.

When they were at the ice, Scott askes where all the people were. Mitch told Scott that he rented the place for the whole afternoon so Scott could skate all he wanted without being disturbed. Mitch said that Scott deserved some off time and some relaxing because off all the hard work he did. Scott couldn't believe his best friends would do this for him. He hugged Mitch and thanked him.

They heard the music playing, Beyoncé was blasting trough the speaker. They went on the ice, Scott immediately did some rounds, he skated like he did this every day. Mitch on the other hand was still holding on to the railing. Scott saw this and held Mitch's hand to help him.

They skated together and then 'halo' from Beyoncé started plating, they looked at each other, a smile on their faces and started singing with the music. They were still skating but slower than before. They stopped skating and looked at each other, they both leaned in and kissed. They just pecked each other's lips and looked back at each other. Than they both leaned back in and stated kissing again this time more passionate.

After some kissing Mitch said that Scott could skate some more, he was going to watch, he wanted Scott to have some fun. Mitch went to the bench on the edge off the ice and he look at Scott gliding over the ice.

After some more ice-skating for Scott

They went back home. Scott went to the kitchen while Mitch took a seat on the couch. Scott came to the couch with 2 hot chocolates. Mitch thanked him and they took a blanket and cuddled on the couch while watching a movie. Scott looked at Mitch and he kissed his cheek. Mitch looked at Scott and he peck his lips.

Scott then told Mitch that he really liked him and that he wanted to be boyfriends. Mitch couldn't believe his ears. Mitch told Scott that he had feelings for him and that he would love to be boyfriends. They kissed again, starting a small make-out session. They went to bed together that night an cuddled all night long. They both fell asleep with a smile on their face, they had a lot of fun, relaxed all day and they were boyfriends now.

They had a new tradition. Every year on their anniversary they rented the skating rink. After a couple of years Scott proposed to Mitch on the ice rink.

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