14. A new friend

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Scott is 5 years old and he just moved to a new city. His parents had to move because his father had a better job offer.

Scott has to go to a new school, he is a very social kid, so his parents know he will make friends in no time. He is very active and likes playing. He is also very creative and loves listening to stories and music.

Scott arrives at school and his parents talk with the teacher, Scott looks around in the new classroom. He likes the colors, and the toys, he immediately wants to play with the dinosaurs. He says bye to his parents when they leave and the teacher says that he can choose something to play with.

He walks over to the dinosaurs and sees another kid playing with them. He takes some of the dinosaurs and starts playing, the other kid is looking at him but doesn't say anything.

When it's time to sit in the circle, they put the dinosaurs in the box and go to the circle, Scott stands near the circle but doesn't sit down because he doesn't know where his seat is. The teacher says he can sit wherever he wants and he takes a seat next to the teacher.

When it's time to play outside, the children start running outside. Scott just follows the others because he doesn't know how things work. He sees the kid he was playing with earlier (with the dinosaurs). He walks over and sits next to him on the swings. Scott asks 'what is your name?". The other kid answers: 'my name is Mitch'.

'Why are you here sitting alone Mitch?' askes Scott. 'All the other guys want to play soccer and I don't like playing soccer, and I can't play with the girls because they think it is weird that I want to play with girls', says Mitch.

Scott jumps off the swings, and takes Mitch's hand, he says: ' I'll be your friend and we can play together if you want that.' Mitch looks at Scott and hugs him, he says than that he would love to be friends with him.

The rest the day, the boys are together, Mitch shows Scott around the school, yhey play togheter and they sit next to each other in the circle.

When school is over, the boys are playing in the classroom, they can play in the room while they are waiting for their parents. Mitch's parents arrive first and see that their son is playing with another child. They don't really believe their eyes, Mitch is normally always alone, playing by himself.

The next parents to arrive are Scott parents, they look inside for their kid and see him playing with another boy. They are happy to see that Scott has made a friend.

When Mitch looks at the door and he sees that his parents are there, he looks at Scott and says that his parents are there. Scott looks over and sees also his parents. They both start running to their parents. The parents hug their kid. They talk about their day. Mitch talks about how Scott is his friend and that they played together all day. Scott talks about Mitch being his friend and playing together.

The parents start talking to each other and learn that they live just a few house apart from each other. The boys hear this and start squealing, they hug each other. The parents saw this and they were so happy that their kids were happy and that they had a friend.

Ever since then then boys were always together. They play together, they sit next to each other in the circle, they eat together. They go over each other's house, they play together every weekend. Ever since than, they are inseparable. 

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