7. Alpha ? Beta ? Omega ?

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Today is the day Scott and Mitch are going to find out their ranking. Scott could find out his ranking 4 months ago but decided to wait so he could go together with Mitch. Scott was in love with Mitch and Mitch loved Scott, but they could had to wait to be together because in the society, they could only be together if they were both beta's or if one of them was an alpha and the other one a omega. Alpha + alpha or Omega + omega didn't work because they would be too much the same, alpha's were both dominant and in need of someone who would submit to them. And omega's need someone to protect them, to guide them to take care of them. They were very excited to find out their ranking to see if they could finally be together but on the other hand they were scared cause what would happens if they were the same rank.

Their parents drove them to de counsel building where the tests would be given. They climbed out of the car and held hands. When they walked inside a Beta walked up to them and asked why they were there. They said they would like to do the test for their rankings, and they were taken to a small room. There was and other Beta, she gave a little information about the tests. Then they had to go in a small room by themselves and they were given a writing test.

The writing test took 30 minutes, after that they had to go to outside and do some physical exercises. Mitch was not happy about this cause he did not like to exercise. Scott on the other hand was very athletic and like to run and climb.

After that test they could rest for 15 minutes, and then they had to do the last tests, the tests about house stuff, like cleaning, cooking and more. Mitch was good at this stuff cause he helped his mom al lot at home. Scott on the other hand couldn't cook, he tried but it always ended with some burned stuff.

When the tests were done, Scott and Mitch went to sit together and they had a little snack, the parents were sitting at another table just talking. Mitch and Scott talked about the tests and about the ranking they would love the be. Scott would love to be an alpha or a beta, Mitch would like to be an omega like his mother or a beta. They just wanted everything to work out, so they could be together.

After an hour of waiting for the results the 2 teens were called to the smaller rooms. Scott went back to room 1 and Mitch back in the room next to Scott's. They got the results of the tests in an envelope and could go back home.

Both guys decided to go to their spot, they went to the lake at the park and sat under the tree. Scott said that they could open the envelops and the read out loid the ranking. They open the envelops and looks at each other. They counted to 3.




Scott said Alpha

Mitch said Omega

They hugged tight, when they looked at each other they both had tears in their eyes. They looked each other in the eyes and lean in.

They kissed and the sparks flew around then. They stopped kissing and look at each other and started smiling. They went home and told their parents the rankings and that they were a couple. The parents were so happy, for their kids. They hugged their kids, so happy for them. Happy that they finally could be together because they knew they loved each other but had to wait and hope for their rankings, but also happy that they both had the rankings they dreamed off.

Their dreams came through. They had the ranking of their dreams and could finally be together. They could start a life together, have a family together and live happily ever after.

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