16. Power couple of the gym

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Mitch was at the gym, he wanted to get more fit and lose some weight. He was running on the treadmill. He always wanted to do these kind of things but never had the perseverance to keep doing it. But now he was determined to keep this schedule going for a couple of months. He wanted a good summer body.

On the other side of the gym, Scott started doing his daily exercises, he was one of the guys who was there almost every day. He wanted to look good and get some strength. When he was younger he was a very skinny but long boy, he wanted to stay skinny but ad some muscles to his body.

Mitch stops his run after 25 minutes, he walks over to the mat to do some muscles exercises and to stretch. He looks over to all the guys who are lifting weights and his eyes fall on Scott. He thinks Scott is the most perfect man he has every seen, the blond hair, blue eyes, beautiful body.

After some stretching he walks over to some machine to help him do some abdominal exercises. He doesn't really know how to use the machine so he struggles a bit. While Mitch is trying to find out how it works Scott look over and sees him struggling. Scott looks at Mitch and thinks that Mitch is the cutest guy he has ever sees, a very skinny body, beautiful brown hair, rich hazel brown eyes.

Scott walks over to Mitch and askes if he wants some help. Mitch can't believe his eyes when he sees that hot man standing in front of him, he can't find words to speak but nods his head. Scott smiles and starts to tell him how it works.

Scott shows Mitch the different things you can do and helps him a bit. They start talking while Mitch does the exercises. Scott tells Mitch that he is almost every day at the gym, and Mitch confesses that this is his first time. Scott said that he can show Mitch around and show how the devices work. Mitch his really happy with Scotts help, he wants to do something for him to thank him for the help but he doesn't really know how.

They talk for a bit more a start a more private conversation about their jobs, their families and stuff they like to do in spare time. They both flirt a bit with each other. They both feel some kind of connection, everything goes so smooth, there are no awkward silences, and they have a lot in common.

Mitch then has a little confidence boost and askes Scott to come over to his home, so he can cook something for the both of them as a small thank you for the help. Scott smiles and said 'I would love to'. They both smile, take their bags and leave. They both walked to the gym that day, so they walk together to Mitch's house.

They arrive, Scott compliments Mitch's place during the tour Mitch is giving him. Mitch said that Scott can take a shower in the bathroom, in the guest bedroom while he showers in his own bathroom.

When Mitch is done with showering he starts cooking, while Scott is finishing up his shower. When Scott is back in the kitchen he sees Mitch cutting some vegetables. Scott askes if he can help and they cook together. When the food is done, they start eating in the dining room, there is some music playing and they continue their conversation.

After the diner, they both take their glass of wine and take a seat on the couch. They feel so comfortable with each other. Scott looks Mitch in the eyes and the conversations dies down, they have a comfortable silence going on, Scott's eyes drift to Mitch's lips and they both lean in. Their lips meet in a little peck, Scott leans away to look at Mitch to see his reaction, but before he can open his eyes to look, he feels Mitch's lips again on his. They have a little make-out session, after a bit of kissing they decide to watch a movie. They both cuddle up on the couch and relax, stealing some kisses every once in a while .

When the movie is over, Scott goes back home, but not before he kisses Mitch again and they give each other their phone number

When Mitch cleans up, his phone light up, he sees a new message:

Scott: Hey Mitch, I had a lot of fun tonight. I had an amazing night, I want to take you out on a date tomorrow. Are you free ?

Mitch: Hey scotty, I had a wonderful time today, thanks again for all the help in the gym. I would love to go on a date with you. I'm free all day!

Scott: great, I will pick you up at 7, it's casual, so don't stress to much about clothes, I see you tomorrow ! goodnight beautiful.

Mitch: I can't wait to see you again ! goodnight scotty.

They next day they had a wonderful date, they went to a little restaurant, then went mini golfing and went back to Scott's place to watch a movie (with some cuddling and kissing)

Ever since then the boys went to the gym together almost every day, Scott would help Mitch because without Scott, Mitch would have given up if it became a bit harder, that's what happened in the past, but now he went to the gym with Scott. So they could spend time together and sport.

After a couple of months the boys started dating and living together, they became inseparable.

2 years later Scott asked Mitch to marry him in that same gym they met. They both got a fitness subscriptions as a present from the gym and they were known as the power couple of the gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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