8. Valentine

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Valentine is in 5 days. Scott was 17 he was in high school, he had a crush on Mitch Grassi.

Mitch is a guy who is in Scotts classes. Mitch was the popular guy in school. Mitch had tattoos, a septum piercing, he wore expensive clothes.

Scott had a crush on Mitch for a whole year now, he admired Mitch from his desk, he looked a Mitch while Mitch was talking to friend or when he was writing in class. Mitch was popular but he was also a hard working student.

Scott wanted Mitch to be his valentine and boyfriend but he was way to shy to ask him that, he couldn't even start a conversation with Mitch.

They boys were both in choir today, they had to do work in teams, they had to make a duet and sing that in front of the class.

The teacher puts the students in team and Scott got paired up with Kirstin, he was hoping for Mitch, but he is now paired up with Mitch's best friend.

Scott and Kirstin talked a bit about their song they were going to sing, Scott kept getting distracted and Kirstin couldn't see why, she started looking in they way Scott was looking and she saw he looking at Mitch.

She askes Scott if everything was okay, but Scott didn't react and kept staring at Mitch. Kirstin bumped Scott and he finally looked at her. She asked why he was staring at Mitch and Scott started blushing, he couldn't tell her. She started to figure it out and asked Scott if he like Mitch. Scott nodded a little, and she started smiling like crazy, she had an idea. She told her idea to Scott and he was a bit scared at first but then decided to do it.

They worked on their song the rest of the time. They exchanged number so they could talk to each other and they could work on the song in the weekend.

5 days later, it was valentine and it was the day the students had to perform the songs in front for their class. Scott was nervous, he was so scared that he was going to mess up or make a fool of himself. Kirstin was there to help him and to calm him down. They were the last group to go up.

They started to sing their song, they chose a love song, after every couple of sentences of the song, they turned around some papers on the board (they hung that up before starting the song).

When the song was over, the board was full of words, the words were all things Scott thought when he thought about Mitch some words were beautiful, amazing, talented, pretty, handsome,....

Scott and Kirstin started talking about why they chose that song.

When they were done speaking, Scott took a step forward, he looked Mitch in the eyes and asked Mitch to come to the front of the class. They looked in each other's eyes and Scott said that the words on the board were words that Scott found fitting to Mitch. Mitch started blushing, he kept looking at Scott. Scott than said that his chose this song because he wanted to tell something to Mitch.

He said the words he never thought he was going to say, he told him that he had a crush on Mitch and that he really like him. He told Mitch that he thought that Mitch was amazing and talented and that he wants to get to know he better.

Mitch was blushing, he look up at Scott and he said that he wanted to get to know him better to and that he liked Scott.

Scott couldn't believe his ears, he started smiling and asked Mitch to be his Valentine and to be his boyfriend.

Mitch looked up at Scott, he leaned up and kissed him on the lips. They both started blushing. Mitch said yes, to being Scotts valentine and his boyfriend. Scott hugged Mitch close and he whole class slapped and cheered for the new couple.

Kirstin knew that Mitch had a crush on Scott, so that is why she told Scott to do something like that. She knew they liked each other and she wanted her best friend happy.

After a couple of months Scott and Mitch were the power couple of the school, they sang a lot of duets together in choir. They were in school plays together and they went to prom together. Ever since that day Scott asked Mitch to be his boyfriend they were inseparable, now 25 years later they are telling this story to their children. They are still together, but know they are married and have 3 kids, life couldn't be better for the two boys. And everything started with a little crush and a song in high school.

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