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I want to thank all the readers for supporting me even if I am not able to update more often...

**next day***
Next day we were called to discuss about our tour. We excitedly went there to know what was waiting for us.
We were handed with each book,
They told us to read it thoroughly for 5 days and even told us that we should be able to do everything that was mentioned in that book.
I was about to read the book when manager Sir stopped me from reading. We were told that we are not allowed to share what is there in the book untill the next meeting., it was like examination to me. Even though I couldn't understand the situation I accepted what we were told and so walk back to my place.

I stare at black book on my table for almost 30min , it was so think and yes I was too lazy to read it all. I was wondering what was there inside it to keep secret from our friends.
Black color with almost  of my size.

I decided to call my other friends to know how they are progressing and as expected they didn't read it too.
We sure are same.

With all the weird thoughts in my mind I opened the book directly from middle and something caught my eyes.

(Leader should be strong enough to support their members )

I got confused , it's like roles and responsibilities or our roles in group but we already have.. one I thought.

Going back to first page i was surprise to see (leader and the main rapper)

Shook. ..what that supposed to mean,I continued reading till I got the right concept and exact role of mine.
Days went on and I was too much into book,no calls to friends absorbing everything that were inside that book.

5th day came and we were gathered again at same place but this time I couldn't see beautiful faces, me and my friends look like a zombies with black circle, eye bags and lazy body but I am sure they finished the book as commanded.

We are called in the small room after 5 min of arriving.
We walked like a zombies towards the room but soon after our youngest started to make herself presentable which gave me weird feelings (she does that when she wants to impress someone ).
I was last one to enter the room and my first impression was great, my toe tipped and I fall down banging my forehead so hardly on floor.
I immediately stood up to bow and I was like why did I fall when I saw lots of new faces in the room.

There were lots of new guy sitting with my friends and programmes officer's.
I walked towards empty sit beside my friends like red apple (blushing face).

Okai...everyone is here now, one of officer began to speak.
Here, he was pointing towards new guys and he continued
They will be going with you guys on tour and more over its like a music tour for you all. You all have to perform in different places, and as you all know what you guys are supposed to do and what's your roles are in the group  (leader,rapper,visual,vocal dancer).
And ended up asking us to make a intro.
Since others are first in the row they started...

(Friend 1)
Hi everyone, I am namy but call me zamin and I will be responsible for visual she showed her charm which was breath taking. She sure was beautiful.

(Friend 2)

Hello, I am phublin but call me lina and I am the main dancer.

(Friend 3)
Hi hi..she jumped up showing her cutest smile.
I am youngest of the group and I am main vocalist.
You can call me baby

Now it was me, my turn came and I can see all the eyes on me.
Hi I am (y/n) and I am the leader and rapper of the group I finished up sitting back.

Other boys introduced themselves but I couldn't hear them since i was in deep thought of which place they could send us.

Finally we were done with intro and pictures was shown the the plain white cloth.

You guys will be going to korea for music exchange programe ,officer said while showing us pictures.  I can hear clap of excitement in the room,I was too happy and jumped up and down and made myself look like a fool again but it was wroth acting for. I couldn't stop thinking to be same place my bais. you really think they will be able to meet their bais?
What if their faith wants sth more.
And what if there are someone waiting for them.

Mr.stranger Where stories live. Discover now