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It was nearing the end of October, thing had been going smoothly.

Jisung has had regular dance lessons with Minho, nothing out of the ordinary happened, in fact, he's gotten used to it. But that does not mean his crush had faded. He's just been used to being around Minho in a normal sense, but if something out of routine were to happen, little Jisung might get flustered.

THAT is exactly what the boys were planning. Although they don't mean harm, they just want their timid friend to take his "relationship" to the next level.

And so

"A Halloween party? Since when did we do parties, we've never thrown a party."

"Well we are now! C'mon Jisung it'll be fun." Chan chided.

"Fine fine, who's hosting?"

"Me obviously, I can't trust anyone except Woojin with responsibility."

"Or maybe cuz you wanna set up things with your boyfriend."

Woojin's and Chan's eyes widened at Jisung's comment, yes the two hyungs were close, but neither had thought of each other romantically (okay maybe once or twice but they ignored it.)

Not so fun being on the receiving side huh

Woojin cleared his throat.

"A-anyway, me and Chan are gonna be in charge of set up, Changbin and Felix, you two are on music, Hyunjin and Seungmin you're on food duty, Jeongin, make sure nobody dies-"

"What about me?"

"Ah you see, you have a special job Jisungie."

I don't like where this is going

"You have to invite Minho."

Boom goes the dynamite.

"Of course, fine I will, but if any of you pull ANY TRICKS I'm drawing on all your faces while you sleep in study hall."

So Jisung waited by the gate for Minho to come outside, since it was Thursday, they'd have a dance lesson.

"Hey Jisungie"

"Hi hyung."

Minho took Jisung's hand as they began to walk towards Minho's house. It was a normal thing now, since Minho thought this prevented Jisung from tripping, which it did, he didn't even see it as a heart throbbing gesture anymore.

Once they finished their lesson, Jisung had just remembered the party, he was in the swing of their routine that they forgot.

"Oh um hyung?"

"Yea Jisungie?"

"So uh, Channie hyung and the others are um..throwing a Halloween do you...wanna go with me? I MEAN NOT WITH ME, BUT LIKE I'M GONNA BE THERE TOO AND UM-"

"I'd love to go with you Jisungie."


"You need a ride right? I can drive actually, I prefer walking though."

Once again, you're never going on a date with him you dry erase marker

", well then we could walk together then?"

"Sure, what time do you want me to pick you up?"


"Alright, see you then Jisungie."

And with that, Jisung ran inside his house and immediately consulted their group chat

Get Jisung a Boyfriend Squad

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