The Grove

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Jisung woke up to Minho's warm embrace, it was surprising, considering he usually wakes up early to do school work.

Minho stirred in his sleep, Jisung looking up at his relaxed sleeping face, admiring his soft features.

Jisung pecked Minho's lips softly, but even that was enough to wake Minho up, his eyes fluttering open, a soft smile on his cheeks.

"Good morning Sungie."
"You ready for today?"
"What's today?"
"Our special date silly."

Oh shit I forgot

"You forgot didn't you?"

Minho snickered, sitting up in the bed to stretch.

"We'll leave after breakfast."
"Is this a whole day date?"

Jisung's eyes sparkled, he had no idea what Minho had planned, but whatever it was, he was excited.

The two headed downstairs where Jisung's mom had prepared some pancakes for them, kindly thanking her the two proceeded to eat, Jisung immediately drowning his in syrup.

"I forgot you had such a sweet tooth."

Jisung looked up at him with his cheeks stuffed with pancakes, nodding, causing Minho to laugh at his cute boyfriend.

Minho instructed Jisung to wait in his room as he got things ready, and Jisung was more than excited.

Where would he take me? Special...What's special? Hm maybe he found a dance studio? Not much of a date though...aish just calm down Jisung, trust Minho.

Minho opened the door, motioning for Jisung to come downstairs. He was lead outside where there was an unfamiliar car in their driveway.

"My mom gave me the car for the day, hop in."

Jisung's eyes sparkled, he loved going on long drives.

"Can we roll down the windows?"
"Even better, watch this."

Minho pressed a button on the dashboard, causing the top of the car to fold back, it was a convertible.

The two got in, buckled up, and backed out the drive way.

"So where are we going?"
"It's a place that's very special, not many people know about it, it's kinda far though."

Jisung nodded, sitting back on his seat, relaxing, letting the sun hit his cheeks and the window blow through his hair, it was bliss.

And the thing that made it worth while was Minho sitting next to him. Jisung turned his head to look at Minho whose eyes were focused on the road, and admired his profile, his cute pointed nose, his high cheekbones, his sharp jawline, he was beautiful, and Jisung was entranced by him.

"You're really handsome."

Minho smiled, eyes turning into cute crescents.

"Sungie I'm trying to drive."
"And you're doing a bang up job."

Jisung smiled as he saw Minho glare at him for a second before returning his eyes to the road.

Soon the started reaching the edge of the city into a more rural area, it seemed like they were heading up a hill.

"We're almost here, but we're gonna have to walk a bit."

At the top, Minho parked his car in a very abandoned lot, only one or two cars in the entire lot, Jisung noticed a trail.

"Are we going there?"
"Mhm, we might stray just a little."

Minho got out a picnic basket from the trunk, taking the basket in one hand, and Jisung's hand in the other.

The two began walking down the trail and Jisung was in awe by the greenery, the sun streaming through the small areas between the branches, and he looked as the sun shined off of Minho, looking as beautiful as ever.

"Alright so, we're gonna go off the path, careful of the branches."

Jisung reluctantly walked with Minho, who guided him by pulling him alongside him.

This is too much like a horror movie now, everyone dies in forests oh god.

"We aren't gonna die Sungie, this place is monitored, there's only small and non poisonous wild life."

Jisung sighed in relief, but then realized Minho knew exactly what he was thinking.

"How did you know?"
"Your palm started getting sweaty."

Jisung blushed at his obvious nervousness, but it was soon replaced by shock when the greenery soon turned pink, flowers and cherry blossom trees littering the area.

" this place?"
"It's the Flower Grove, my mom and dad found this place when they were our age, mom told me this where they had their first date, and also got proposed to here, it is a special place full of lots of love and...I wanna share it with you."

Jisung felt warm tears well up in his eyes, he smiled and hugged Minho tightly.

"I love you Jisung."
"I love you too, Minho hyung."

Minho connected their lips, moving his softly against Jisung's, the other kissing back while running his hands through Minho's hair.

The two separated, smiling brightly.

Minho opened up the picnic backet, laying down a blanket, unpacking a bunch of food and sweets.

Jisung sat next to Minho, leaning onto his shoulder.

They ate, they laughed, they cuddled, and the fell asleep under the warm sun rays peaking through the branches, surrounded by the aroma of sweet flowers.

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