Happy Day

144 20 2

did i forgot i had wattpad, yes, whoops

Jisung bounced with excitement, bright and early, at 7 am.

"Sungie I love you but the mall isn't even open yet."
"But hyuuuuuung it's date day!!"
"Yes I know baby, but let's sleep a bit longer."

Jisung pouted, staring at his hyung who had his eyes closed. He huffed, and huffed again louder to see if it would gain Minho's attention.

This is his day, don't be an annoying little shit like you usually are.

Jisung then decided to cuddle Minho, snuggling into his side.

He lay there, it was warm, but he was too wide awake to be able to go back to sleep again. He took this as an opportunity to stare at Minho, his pretty face, soft brown hair falling perfectly, long eyelashes, cute nose, and those pretty pink lips Jisung loves to kiss oh so much.

He wouldn't mind, right?

Jisung kissed him once, and pulled away to see if he had disturbed him.

Heavy sleeper aren't ya

He kissed him again, but this time for longer, and surprisingly got a response.

"Hey I thought you were sleeping."
"Jisung I couldn't breathe."

Minho chuckled, getting out of bed, stretching.

"Sungie even if we go when the mall opens, the movie timings won't be until later."
"Hmmm...how bout we play in the arcade until the movie?"
"Sounds fun."

After freshening up and eating breakfast, waiting for the mall to open, and Jisung's mom picking out clothes for the both of them, they finally were ready to go, around 11 am.

Jisung wore a light pink sweater with a plaid shirt underneath with black jeans and a pair of sneakers.

Minho wore a black shirt with red jacket over and black jeans and sneakers as well.

They headed out for the mall, Jisung's mom giving them a ride.

Walking hand in hand, they walked past the stores to the theater with the small arcade next to it. They bought tickets for Star Wars, and waiting for an hour in the arcade.

"Hyung lets make a bet!"
"Hm...whoever scores the most points in the basketball game has to do a dare!"
"Oh you're on Sungie."

The two inserted their tokens, immediately shooting baskets, they were neck in neck. That was until Minho threw Jisung by saying I love you very VERY loudly, enough for the few other people in the arcade to look at them.

The game had ended and Minho won.

"No, cheating would have been if I pushed you out of the way."

Jisung pouted, but remembering the bright smile on Minho's face when he won.

"Fine, what's your dare?"
"Hm...I'm gonna buy you something, and you have to wear it."
"That's it?"
"Yep, wait here I'll be back."

Minho came back with a small bag, Jisung pulling a pink flower crown out of it. He sighed.

"Okay, there you go."
"Aw you look so cute, let me get a picture."

Jisung complied, doing aegyo as his boyfriend took his picture, happy that he was smiling so brightly.

The two then went into the theater, enjoying the movie together, Minho's arm wrapped around Jisung, feeding each other popcorn, and most importantly, Minho was happy.

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