Special Research

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"Hey Sung-"

Jisung pressed his lips against Minho, earning gasps and whistles from people in the halls. Minho pulled back, chuckling with a blush growing on his cheeks.

"You're in a good mood."
"Yes I am!!"
"May I ask why?"
"I GOT AN A!!!
"Sungie that's great!!"

Minho hugged him tightly, proud of his boyfriend, the poor squirrel studied all night but it payed off.

Jisung smiled brightly, he was happy, after that midterm, he understood trigonometry much better, thanks to his boyfriend.

"I guess I owe you something Sungie."

oh gosh the special date i forgot oh my gosh i'm so excited uh play it cool jisung play it cool

"Mhm, your special date, wait till Saturday okay?"

Saturday, Lee Minho it is a Tuesday morning you're going to make me sO exCItED fOUr dAYS iN adVAnCE??

"Cool! Can't wait."

Jisung pecked his cheek and ran off to his next class.

He was sat with Changbin in math class, Minho was across the room.

"Psst, hyung."
"Have you and Felix ever gone on a special date?"
"Special date? mm yea I guess, our anniversary."
"How did you prepare?"
"Prepare? He threw a hoodie on me and we hopped on his bike, I didn't know what he prepared."

Aish useless hyung

"If you thought my favorite date was useless information for you then you can go to someone else with your Minho vendettas."
"Aaaa Binnie Hyung I love youuu"
"Yea yea."

Soon the bell rang.

Study hall with Hyunjin, maybe he can help

Jisung ran to study hall, practically tackling Hyunjin when he saw the tall boy enter the library.

"What's up Sung?"
"I need your expertise."
"I only tutor for poetry on Thursdays."
"What? No I needed relationship advice."
"Oh, uh yea forget I said that then."

Poetry geek huh, wouldn't expect that from Mr. GoodLips

"Anyway, did you and Seungmin ever go on a special date?"
"Uh I guess you could say it was special? It was recent actually."
"Spill the cola."
"Aish okay, I just went to the park with him at sundown, we had a picnic, then we ran around the playground, he tagged me and we started running and laughing, I caught him, and we were really close...and then he just...kissed me."

A loud SHHHHH errupted from the other people in the library.

"You're supposed to be Mr. Good Lips, weren't you gonna do that whole sweep him off his feet thing?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Mmm okay, see ya later bud."

I called him Mr. Good Lips out loud oh god

Lunch time came, and he stuck to Chan and Woojin like a leech.

"Jisung, what is it?"
"Why are you cranky."
"You're literally following us."
"Can't make out with Woojin with me here huh?"

Woojin came between the two, holding Chan back with a hug.

"What do you need Jisungie?"
"Have you and Chan ever been on a special date.


Woojin hushed Chan once more.

"No we haven't, why?"
"Minho said he's gonna take me on a special date and I want to know how to prepare-"
"Jisungie, just let Minho take you, if it's special, it means he's planning, so trust him, okay?"

God I hate it when he's actually helpful

"Thank you Woojinnie hyung, bye useless koala."
"Bye Jisungie."

With that Jisung went on the rest of the day, patiently waiting for Saturday to come around

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