Not Yet

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Jisung woke up and his bed was empty, he pouted, sitting up with his eyes squinting from the sunlight streaming into the room.

This guy doesn't even morning cuddle

"Hyuuuung where did you go?"

Minho was sat at the desk doing some homework.

"I'm right here Sungie."
"Why are you up so early?"
"Sungie its past noon."

Jisung rolled out of bed, hugging Minho from behind.

"Did you sleep well hyung?"
"Of course I did, I slept next to the cutest boy in the world."

Aish still at it with the smooth lines.

"Did you eat already?"
"Mhm, your eomma made some eggs, she didn't want to wake you up though."
"Hmm oki."

Jisung pecked Minho's cheek and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Minho had put on his glasses and continued working. Jisung came back into the room and gasped, scaring Minho.

"What? What is it?"
"Hyung your glasses!"
"What about them?"
"They look cute!!"

Minho chuckled, Jisung bouncing up and down begging to try them on. Minho adored his excitement, they took pictures together with filters, the two laughing and enjoying their time.

It was then that Minho got a call from his mom, answering it with a smile, but soon turning into a frown.

"Minho honey I'm so sorry."
"S-sorry for what?"
"That man won't listen to me, he's so stubborn, I tried to convince him but he..."
"What did he do?"
"He wants to divorce. He said either you or him, and I picked you."

Tears began rolling down Minho's cheeks as he listened with wide eyes. Jisung immediately hugged him, rubbing circles in his back to calm him down. Minho hung up, and soon calmed down, explaining the situation to Jisung. He mentioned that his mom was looking for apartments near by and that he might have to stay longer.

"Well, hyung let's try and make this situation better."
"Sungie I love you but that's kind of impossible."
"No no it isn't, um look, your dad can't bother you anymore, you get to be with your eomma and you know she loves you...and we can still be together."

Minho smiled softly, he couldn't say it in that moment but he was thankful for Jisung's words.

They younger wiped away the tears from Minho's face, pulling him into a sweet kiss.

"Let's go on a date hyung."
"Oh um, sure?"
"Where do you wanna go hyung?"
"Hm...a movie."

Jisung smiled brightly, running to his computer to see any movies that jumped out at him. At first it was the new Pixar movie but the two decided on the newest Star Wars movie.

Operation make Bunny Hyung happy is a go!!! 

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