Gay Amusement

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The group date was set at 12 pm on Saturday. But Jisung being himself, was up since 8 am freaking out. He showered, he dried his hair, he even took one of his mom's face masks. He just wanted to look perfect for his first real date.

"Eomma, which flannel should I wear?"
"You're going on a date, shouldn't you dress up a little?"
"GROUP date, and its an amusement park, how am I supposed to dress up?"
"Let me at your closet."

Jisung's mother pushed through, looking through the clothes, selecting different garments for Jisung.

Chan rented a big van for them all to go the park in, saying he'd be at Jisung's door at 11, but Minho begged to come see Jisung for a bit before the group date.

"Eomma my hair is fine!!"
"Aish, Jisung, let me comb it a bit more! You need to look good for you boyfriend!"

Jisung pouted as his mom put the finishing touches on Jisung.

It was then that the doorbell rang. Jisung ran down, opening the door and engulfing Minho in a big hug.

"Nice to see you too Sungie."
"Sorry, I'm just excited."

Jisung stepped back, and Minho stared. Jisung usually wore flannels and beanies, that's what Minho was used to. Jisung had his hair swept back, wearing a white tshirt and a black jacket that had PINK FLOYD written on the back along with black skinny jeans.

He's staring, is that good staring??? IS GOOD STARING EVEN A THING??? EOMMA WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME??


Minho stepped closer, not even bothering to close the door behind him, pulling Jisung in for a sweet kiss, and almost immediately Jisung kissed back, their lips moving in sync until a camera shudder was heard.


Chan stood in the doorway.

"I texted you saying I'd be coming earlier since there's traffic, but I didn't expect to see you making out in the middle of your front door."
"It was cute, also we need some sources of blackmail."


Minho pecked Jisung's lips once more.

"Let's get going, oki Sungie?"

Jisung blushed and nodded.

"Bye Eomma!!"
"Bye sweetie! Have fun!"

The car ride was about an hour, Minho and Jisung sat in the corner of the back seat together, snuggling while sleeping.

"Guys we're here!!" Woojin exclaimed.

Jisung groggily woke up. Minho greeting him with a soft smile.

"Okay, so we can split up, but at 6 is the fireworks display, we're gonna watch from the ferris wheel, so meet there at 5:45!"

The group broke off into their separate couples.

Okay it's your first date, but nothing special right, treat it like a regular day, you'll be fine!

With that positive attitude, Jisung smiled at Minho, the latter taking his hand. It was then that his mother's voice appeared in his head saying "you should initiate every now and then, Minho would like it."

It haunted Jisung's mind, but he tried to brush it off, focusing on enjoy their moment now, hoping to figure it out later.

They passed a game stand, where Jisung saw a big plushie of Doraemon, accidentally letting out a little gasp, immediately covering his mouth.

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