Study (Date)

124 17 5

Who the fuck cares about triangles

"Han Jisung, could you put the next problem on the board."

eXCuSE mE I dIDN'T hAvE mY hAnD uP

Jisung sighed, going up trying to solve the problem on the board, trying to figure out whether to use sine or cosine.

Eventually he finished, and he was close to getting it right, just a small mistake, but it still put him in a bad mood all day.

When it was lunch time Jisung sat with head on the table, groaning every now and then.


His ears perked up at the sound of Minho's voice, looking up with a pout.

"Aw baby what's wrong?"
"Ew get a room." Hyunjin said.
"Hyunjin why don't you go kiss Seungmin or something."

Seungmin's eyes widened, looking back at Hyunjin, and literally running away.

Well that was weird.

"Jinnie, did you and Seungmin not kissed before?"
"You've been dating longer than we have."
"I don't know...we just...never had a moment."
"Well, go find him??"
"Shut up squirrel face I will."

Hyunjin stomped away, Minho taking his place next to Jisung, wrapping his arms around him.

"What's wrong?"
"Ah...I saw."
"Why am I in that class anyway, I'm the only sophmore, it's only juniors and seniors there."
"Because you're smart baby, you just hit a stump."
"A stump?"
"Yeah, like one thing you have trouble with, and since midterms are soon, I could help you."

Jisung's pout turned into a bright smile and he said thank you at least 20 times.

The two went home, Minho got out all the books as Jisung got a snack, sitting down next to his boyfriend.

"Teach me, senpai."
"One, I will but you're still doing the problems on your own. Two, never say that again."

Jisung chuckled, listening attentively as Minho explained the proper uses of sine, cosine, and tangent, etc.

Minho prepared a few problems for Jisung to solve, but when he saw Jisung struggling, he thought he could motivate him a bit.

"If you get an A on this midterm, I'll take you on a super special date."

Jisung tried hiding his blush by continuing to look down at the books in front of him, but it was still very noticeable. Minho smiled, poking Jisung's cheek, continuing to help him with his math until Jisung finally got it

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