Chapter 4 - Slashback

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: Well, the new year is here and so is a new chapter of 'Slash's Revenge.'

I want to take a moment to thank everyone for all the votes and/or comments on this story. You're all so incredibly kind. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! C=

I also want to take a moment to thank my creative consultant/beta reader, Joanne N. Grey. She's one of my very favorite people on the planet and I simply adore her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Joanne.

Okay, let's get on with the chapter... ;)



Chapter 4 - Slashback

The temperature outside had dropped significantly from the previous night. This served as a rather apropos metaphor given what had happened back at the lair to make Donatello flee to the surface that he was now sitting high above.

Using the silhouettes cast along the rooftops to conceal himself from the humans below, the purple-masked turtle peered down at the streets of New York City.

Aside from the traffic whizzing by well beyond the posted speed limit and the occasional colorfully outspoken pedestrian strolling along, it was a fairly quiet night. Of course, Donatello's idea of a quiet night was probably a lot different than what most people across the globe considered quiet. After all, he and his brothers spent the majority of their evenings either fighting off the Kraang or going head-to-head against the Shredder and his evil cohorts. Saving the world and taking down the bad guys was noisy business. Plus, the brothers had to do these things with Mikey at their sides and it was no great secret that the youngest turtle was typically louder than all of their foes combined. Always trying to 'chuk' every enemy in sight and constantly calling out his self-coined battle cry, 'Booyakasha!'

Dumbest. Word. Ever.

The worst thing was, Michelangelo used that stupid, made-up word so much, all the brothers were now guilty of it out every now and then. Even the ever-serious Hamato Leonardo.

Whenever Donatello found himself unintentionally spouting off the ridiculous word, he could almost feel his IQ dropping by several points.

Hanging out with Mikey could definitely be taxing on the brain cells, as well as the nerves. Still, without the little jokester around, things sometimes tended to get a bit boring. Kind of like they were right now...

The highlight of Donnie's night out on the town so far had been witnessing a couple of gray squirrels duking it out over what looked to be a discarded lollipop. The grueling, ten-round boxing match had come to an abrupt end when a rather mangy-looking dog came by and chased the rodents off before either one of them could be declared the actual winner or claim what was left of the half-eaten sucker.

The genius turtle was pretty sure his younger brother would have found the no holds barred squirrel fight extremely entertaining. Although, ever since they had come across those freaky 'Squirrelanoids' a while back, Mikey seemed to be a little skittish around most small, woodland creatures. Just like Raph got whenever he saw a cockroach.


Donnie had been trying his best to avoid thinking of his hotheaded brother, because every time he did, it just made his heart sink even further.

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