Chapter 6 - Tough Call

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: Chapter 6 of 'Slash's Revenge' is here and it's my favorite chapter of this story so far. I'm really excited to share this one with you.

Thank you so much to every one of my readers, followers, and friends. Next month marks the second anniversary of me posting my very first story online (remember 'A Shell of Himself'?). I'm so incredibly grateful for the many wonderful friends I've made from this amazing experience. You are all such tremendous blessings. Thank you with all my heart. *hugs*

Okay, I'm getting super sappy, aren't I? I just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate you. ='}

Humongous thanks to my awesome creative consultant/beta reader, Joanne N. Grey. ILY, girl!

All righty then! Onto the chapter . . .

Thanks for reading, everyone. ;)



Chapter 6 – Tough Call

Ten minutes...

It was now ten minutes past the time that patrol should have kicked off, but Raphael still hadn't heard Donatello come home yet.

Who knew just how slowly ten minutes could be?

As each minute ticked by, another knot looped in Raphael's apprehensive stomach. He was finding it harder and harder to convince himself that his genius brother had simply lost track of the time while rummaging through some random junkyard. Sure, Donnie tended to get caught up in his work every now and then, but it wasn't like the genius turtle not to call and check in with one of them if he knew he was going to be late. That's because Donatello knew darn well that any time one of them was late for patrol without justifiable cause, they would get an ear slit full from Leo almighty.

Raphael rolled his eyes just thinking about his older brother.

The three youngest turtles had all had the incredible misfortune of being on the receiving end of one of the fearless leader's infamous earfuls. Michelangelo especially! Out of all the brothers, Mikey had always been the one least likely to show up for something on time. The reason for that being he was much too easily distracted by shiny objects, ABC gum, things with buttons, small animals, and his own toes.

On the flip side, Donatello was the brother most likely to arrive as scheduled; far more reliable than his brothers in orange and red. He was also far more considerate, always calling to let someone know if there was even a slight chance he would be fashionably late. Probably because the mild-mannered, good-natured boy genius never wanted to worry anyone.

Well, apparently, he's okay with worrying everyone now...

The voices in the main living space of the lair were beginning to noticeably grow in volume, alerting Raphael that the rest of his family were also well aware that Donnie was now officially late. The temperamental turtle could hear that panic was starting to set in. Mikey's voice was now almost loud enough to be fully understandable, even through the thick walls of the lair. Over the course of the past thirty seconds or so, Raph had made out the words 'D,' 'totally,' and 'wigging.'

Much to the red-masked turtle's own discomfort, he had yet to hear the distinct ringtone of anyone's T-phone sing out. Not since Donnie had left. And that was certainly not for a lack of listening, because Raphael had been listening much, much closer than normal.

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