Chapter 1

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 So Hi. It's BethnPercy and for everyone who originally read this story, I'm so sorry I put you guys through that. But don't worry thanks to Quarantine I've come back and decided to rewrite this story and continue it. I promise to try my hardest not to abandon it and if you guys have any recommendations or comments let me know.  Obviously this is a remake of chapter one and I would highly advise you guys to reread it because I've changed a lot of things and will continue to do so. 

It's been three weeks since the giant war with Gaea. I thought after all the funerals we had just been through it would be over. I never expected that the one person I always had by my side would soon leave me forever. The seven, Nico, and Thalia stood around the makeshift casket there were a few sniffles and sobs intermingled. Chiron allowed us to burn the pyre in private and I was thankful. Stepping forward I spoke for the first time during the entire funeral. Everyone else had already said their goodbyes and they watched as I did mine.

" I'm pretty sure I've told you this already but when I lost my memory you were the only thing I remembered. Wise Girl, you were my whole world and I'm honestly not sure what I'm supposed to do now. You had all the plans and I was ready to follow you anywhere. Unfortunately your in a place I can't yet follow you," I paused trying to stem my tears. Thalia walked up beside me and held my hand. " I love you wise girl, forever and always. I'm so happy to say I've had the incredible honor of knowing you through the years and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I know you would hate for me to stop living my life and I promise you Annabeth I will continue on. No matter what. I owe it to you. Bye Annabeth."

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a drachma and slipped it in her mouth honoring Greek tradition. Thalia fixed the silky grey tribute back over Annabeth's face and together we all pushed the pry into the ocean. Leo lighting it from a distance.

We stood there for over an hour all in our own thoughts. Slowly the group began to break off whispering their goodbyes. First Jason and Piper, then Hazel and Frank, followed closely by Nico and Leo, soon only Thalia and I remained.

"I have a week before I return to the hunt. Is it alright if I bunk with you and Jason? The Zeus cabin is far too cold." Thalia spoke quietly. Her voice a whisper

"Sure no problem." Tugging my arm we headed to Cabin 3.

The sun had set a while ago and I'm pretty sure nobody had an appetite. Jason still wasn't back when we arrived at the cabin so I assumed he was still with Piper. Surprisingly enough Nico was passed out on a spare bunk.

"I guess it's a big three sleepover" Thalia mused as she went and properly covered Nico.

I quickly went to the bathroom changing my close and hoped in the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep. My unconscious dragged me into a memory rather than a dream.

A few of us demigods had decided to go beyond the boundaries of camp to clean up after everything that happened.

Nico and I were having a talk about him coming out to me and we had decided to start over as brothers this time. Admittedly a little weird but the tension was almost completely gone, especially after Nico said he may or may not have a crush on Will Solace child of Apollo. Annabeth decided to venture off a little since we needed our space to talk I thought it was a bad idea but Annabeth brushed me off saying everything I thought was a bad idea. With a quick kiss she was gone. After Nico and I's conversation we began to look for Annabeth when we heard an ear-piercing scream, Annabeth's to be exact.

We had run in the direction of the scream the other campers milling around started to run over as well one even sounding the alarms. I reached their first Nico right on my heels, What I saw made my blood run ice cold.

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