Chapter 10

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Disclaimer there is mention of medications that help with depression and Bipolar. Although I am not a doctor I do take Prozac which is one of the mentioned medications. There may be inconsistency with the information or the way it is described again I am not a doctor. Please do not take advice from this story. If you or someone you know is suffering from Bipolar and or Depression seek actual medical help. 

Aside from that, I have a spin-off one-shot of this story called Good NIghts in the Infirmary. It's basically just how Will and Nico get together so if you liked the Solangelo in this story please go check it out. Moving along I have a few stories in my inventory I would love to be checked out.

Anyways this is chapter 10 enjoy the story!

Percy P.o.v

"You do realize you have no time to yourself at all and haven't since this whole fiasco began right?" Said Apollo while we stood in his kitchen baking.

"I have time for myself. I go on walks alone and train alone and sometimes I go on missions which for at least part of the time I'm alone," I muttered dumping more blue food coloring into the bowl. "Besides what does it matter?"

Apollo scoffed shaking his blonde hair in disbelief. He reminded me so much of Will but that was to be expected as he was Will's father even if he looked 18.

"Percy my man, you need your own room. You need your own bed. And gods forbid I say it you need more testosterone in your life. You live with a bunch of girls and share a tent with Thalia. Isn't that frustrating?"

"Well yes, sometimes but Thalia is my sister and it's easier than sleeping on the floor in Riley's room."

" At any point, you could have easily asked Artemis for a tent or got one out of the supplies area. We both know you know they're there. Besides, we both know what this is really about."

I threw some flour at Apollo for being so stupidly vague.

"I don't need you going all therapist on me. Right now we are just two bros hanging out. Plus I have no idea what you mean." I ducked out of Apollo's way so he couldn't give me another judgmental glare.

"Have you actually slept alone since Tarturas?" He questioned already in full doctor mode.

I sighed and stopped mixing the cookie dough. So much for a relaxing afternoon. I knew Apollo meant well but I didn't really want to explain how much I was currently failing at life.

"No, what does it mean Dr.Apollo? Should I take more meds?" The word meds were like acid on my tongue as I glared at Apollo. Honestly, I wasn't mad at him, I just hated feeling so incompetent.

"No more meds Percy besides the ones you're already on. Although dropping the attitude might help. Having someone else there for comfort isn't bad Percy but instead of rooming with Thalia how about I turn Riley's tent into a shared apartment and instead of getting cuddly with sissy Thals we get you a furry companion?"

"How does an Apartment fit inside a tent?" I questioned letting my ADHD distract me

"It's magic. I've changed Riley's 1 bed and bathroom into a 4 bed and 3 bathrooms. That includes a living room and discludes a kitchen because Artemis told me to stop giving you the availability to ditch the hunt. Now more importantly how has the Zyprexa and Prozac been working? It's been about 3 weeks since you began."

" Thanks so much for asking my permission to do that. A two-bedroom would work fine, it's just me and Riley and Tina shares a room with Riles anyway. I think the pills are working. I guess I haven't been super angry lately and I've actually been able to do more and get myself out of bed without feeling like a failure. I mean it's still there but it's better. I've also been able to control my mood better which is good. I talk to Thalia every day and of course you three times a week." 

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