Chapter 3

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Okay, guys, Chapter 3 is here revised and edited. I hope you approve of again Riley up. It would be really hard to have a baby in the hunt. This is the last chapter that will take place in camp half-blood for a while. Soon Percy, Thalia, Riley, and Artemis are headed to the hunt. Stay safe and I love you guys

Artemis P.O.V

I exited Perseus's cabin not really sure where I was going.

One thing that was for sure was that I had a lot to think about. I can't believe how calmly I just handled this whole situation If it was any other time I think I might have fought with my father till I was red-faced and voiceless. But I don't know why I let Perseus a, man become the guardian of the hunt.

For years, Millenia actually I have been accustomed to thinking of men as disgraces to earth, mostly the reason I formed the hunt, to get young maidens away from males who want to corrupt their pureness. And just to prove my actions over centuries I have watched men prove my theory right again and again.

Then there is Perseus who I can't put into a category with those other males, I mean I'll never admit it to anyone but he saved my immortal butt twice thus far. He even got the respect of Zoe Nightshade my former Lieutenant and best friend who would have killed any boy on sight, just because of their gender.

In some ways I owe Perseus but in others, I just wanted to help with his broken heart after everything he's done for Olympus not to mention he's unstable. I could clearly tell he was unstable. I don't even think he's registered his mother's death yet or that he now has a big responsibility not only to the hunt but to his sister. The grief is gonna set in like a hurricane and I have a feeling the hunt will be the thing to put him back together.

The horn for dinner snapped me out of my thoughts I realized I had walked off into the woods. Sighing I turned around.

Percy P.O.V

I woke up in a cold sweat mid-scream Thalia at my side.

" Percy you're ok, calm down, tell me what happened" She looked no better than I probably did but was in no mood to mention it. Grabbing her pillow she sat next to me.

" I hate that place, tartuars. I'd done so much to survive it for this. Thals how am I supposed to do this. I'm gonna let Riley down. fate keeps giving me one low blow after another. It's like when I finally found a break and had potential happiness even after Tartarus the fates decided to chuckle in my face and I may sound like a child but this isn't fair none of it. My mother, Paul, Annabeth, none of them deserved to die and now Riley is parentless and I'm supposed to raise her. How can I do that when I almost always feel numb, clouded and wallowing in grief and nightmares of Tartarus." An uncontrollable sob racked my body I felt so helpless against everything right about now.

" Pause Percy, first none of those deaths were your fault. Second who said you were raising Riley alone you have me Artemis and the hunt. I have total faith they won't let you screw up. There are also our friends Percy, no don't call them friends their your family and you need to remember that." Thalia rubbed circles on my back.

" This sure as hell is gonna get worse before it could get better. Nobody is asking you to stop grieving, damn it's only been two days and you have more responsibility on your shoulder than ever before. If I am able to cry and break down in front of you which I'm trying really hard not to do and not feel ashamed then you shouldn't feel any different." Her voice sounded weak as if she was not only speaking to me but herself.

" And hey if it helps any you could talk to me about your nightmares I know you hate to be pitied but there's also Nico who went through the same thing. Percy I just really don't want you to lose hope, you can't lose hope. Over time even if it takes years I want the mirth and playfulness and mischievous to return to your eyes. I have faith Riley will be the one to do it though and might I add who wouldn't laugh at a baby trying to talk I saw a video once and man that child was talkative." Thalia sighed. " Come on I may not be in good emotions right now but all this heart to heart will still make me vomit. Especially with the type of mushiness just passed between us." I laughed.

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