chapter 4

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OKay, guys. This is the revised edition all remade of chapter 4. unfortunately the new chapter 5 won't be out until tomorrow but I hope you enjoy the way I've fixed up the story.

Percy P.O.V

Everyone finished dinner relatively quickly. Especially Riley and Nico, who ran off as soon as he was done. Thalia sat next to me helping out with Riley. It amazes me how gentle Thalia can be to a kid but then be zapping the shit out of another camper. Riley gave me hope which burned brighter than ever with the light of the flame. If I focused hard enough I could see memories of me and my mother sitting next to the flame when I was little.

I spotted Artemis walking over, she stared at Riley curiously.

"How is Riley adjusting? I hope she didn't eat too much or else she'll get a stomach ache and that would be bad." I was surprised at how much she cared but then remembered her titles, the goddess of childbirth.

" Sorry my fault, I didn't think it would matter," Thalia said sheepishly.

" Don't worry I'll keep a close eye on Riley" I said

" No, not to worry I've got it. Eat, you need it." Artemis turned to Riley carefully picking her up and sitting Riley in her lap she began to play with her. Again it was so much pure innocence it was warming.

My little sister, Riley, guarded by the gods themselves, held so much light it was hard not to be happy around her. Even now only 4 years old and so fantastically awesome, Well in my opinion. Although grief tries to consume there is that light fighting it. The light contains all the people I love. Riley, Thalia, Nico, the rest of the seven, camp, Chiron, Poseidon, and surprisingly the hunt and Artemis. The light was small but I was positive it would grow. I hadn't met them yet but the sense of duty to protect them was as overwhelming as my sense of duty was to protect Annabeth. Though this time I wouldn't fail. I couldn't fail and I knew that.

Artemis P.O.V

As dinner finished up Percy came over offering to take Riley.

" Are you sure, I'd be glad to watch over her a little longer at least so you could get a little more rest."

" Nah, but if you want you could accompany us to the beach, Me and Thals were headed there anyway." I was shocked, normally a demigod wouldn't try to be around a goddess to long but a boy at that. I took gratitude at his courage, it wasn't often I was invited places.

" Sure, we could talk about our plans." He nodded almost absent-mindedly watching the boy Nico I believe to talk to my brother's kid who I believe was named Will.

It was kinda weird a son of Hades and a son of Apollo liking one another, now that's the definition of opposites attracting. But then again watching them closely they seemed to balance one another out, I guess it could work.

Standing up and making sure Riley was secure we began to walk toward the beach. Thalia joined halfway there but I couldn't exactly talk as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. Why did I agree to this, my uncle's domain? I'm crazy, he'll have a fit. Maybe I could just sit at a reasonable distance from the ocean. Nodding to myself with the idea I continued along the path to the beach.

" When are we leaving again" Asked Thaila

" At around 7. So 2 hours from now" I replied, Thalia, nodded before a mischievous grin appeared on her face.

" Uhh, hey Percy Rileys blessed by Poseidon right?"

" Yeah, why?" He turned to eye Thalia catching her grin.

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