chapter 5

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Percy P.O.V

Artemis teleported us just out of the hunters camp. Riley was propped in Thalia's arms sleeping as I held our stuff.

" They don't exactly know who their guardian will be, they also don't know your story or that Riley will be joining us so I leave it up to you whether you wanna tell your story. They do however know your male and more than likely set up multiple pranks, hopefully harmless. You must be patient with them as they should be to you." She grumbled, " No promises though, they nor I am not to keen on having a male in the hunt but I'm allowing it for now." She left off there almost like a silent threat I better not screw up.

I looked at Thalia who seemed to be in deep thought, I knew she was thinking about how much had changed in the last couple of days. I also knew she hates it when people pry and especially hates when she feels weak so until she is actually better she will pretend she is. As much as I hate to not help I would feel like a hypocrite if I did when I do the same. I am determined to not fail and fulfill my duty as a guardian, their needs, and pains before mine.

" Lady Artemis would you mind if I was a wolf when I met the hunters I think it would be wiser because at least the hunt won't shoot right away. Last time I met your hunters they had wolves inside there camp so I thought it would be a good idea."

She stared at me a while eyes narrowed I mean maybe I should just let her make the plans but I don't think I did anything wrong. I mean yeah sure she hates males and they must respect her but did I disrespect her? Or say anything wrong?

" It would do you good Perseus to speak carefully with your words around my hunters but yes you may." I let out a breath before concentrating we were nearly there anyway.

With a yelp, I was on all fours with raven black fur about 7 feet long, rather long for a wolf. I could notice all my character differences. My senses were a lot keener, I had sharp canine teeth, and a powerful jaw. Naturally, I growled, causing both Artemis and Thalia to glare at me because it was really loud effectively waking Riley. Oops! Looking back at my tail I was surprised to see it multiple colors, bluish sea-green representing my father, reddish-orange representing Hestia, a really dark stripe I assume represents Hades, and a vibrant silver representing Artemis. They all went in a horizontal strip covering my whole tail. "Cool," I thought

" Cool indeed can we continue," Artemis said with a raised eyebrow. I frowned

" You can hear me" I jumped suddenly very excited for no reason.

" Yes, Kelp Head now get out our heads, although your childish excitement is amusing it could get annoying quite fast with all that panting," Thalia said with a barely contained smile. I forced my way out of there mined glaring at Thalia.

It wasn't my fault I had all these new powers and abilities and was having a hard time working out the logistics. Being a wolf cleared my head for some reason. It was like I was separate from Percy Jackson I was someone different.

Artemis sighed, " Let's continue shall we?" She turned and began to walk away, me at her heels and Thalia at my side.

Upon entering the hunters camp three young ladies dropped from the tree in front of us they ranged from 12 to 14. I instantly noticed one as Phoebe the girl who should've gone on that quest with Zoe. She was a daughter of Ares and I knew for sure she hated me, great!

" My lady, it's good to have you back although I wasn't expecting Thalia back so soon.." Phoebe let the last statement hang giving a questioning look to Thalia.

" Neither was I" Thalia, as predicted, glared at me. I bared my teeth. With my head cocked to the side tauntingly.

" Enough both of you, I may just lock you two in a room together if that's what it will take to make you behave" I whimpered looking up at Artemis while Thalia smiled a little. The hunters looked thoroughly confused.

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