Chapter 11

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Does sorry work for not posting in over 2 weeks??? NO? Okay. Well, I am sorry and I didn't mean to be gone so long but I'm currently in another state with my family looking for a house during a pandemic. Not the easiest thing but it's better than being in New Jersey right now. Not to mention I'm in my last 2 weeks of school and currently in the middle of finals. My mental health is in the garbage and my motivation is rock bottom so if this chapter seems all over the place don't come after me. Now that that's been cleared up I want to say this is my longest chapter and I'm pretty proud of it. I made sure it was extra long so as to make up for my absence. 

I'm having a bit of a crisis??? I honestly don't know but if you noticed Artemis' point of view in chapter 10 was a little off at least to me. I can't write it like I rewrote her scenes about 8 times in chapter 10 and that was the best I could do. I'm trying so hard to properly capture a millennia-old goddess who just oozes personality and depth for days and I'm stuck. In my opinion, it's a little hard to capture Artemis properly because as a goddess you have to take into account a lot of different things and on top of that I don't want this to be like every other guardian of the hunt story. I hate copy cats and I'm trying so hard to be original while also staying true to the character's Personality but I only know Artemis based on fanfiction and so many pages of TTC. Ya'll can totally call me out though because I know my characters are very OOC but I'm trying so bare with me. In this chapter, you will see more of the hunters and their individual personalities. I realize there are 17 of them bar Thalia that need character growth and you will see that. Now on to the chapter...

Percy P.o.v

"Arianna give Thalia back the bracelet or you will be left here while the rest of your sister's go to the mall," Artemis said with both hands on her hips. Arianna pouted but threw thalia her bracelet back. Thalia, in turn, glared at her while sliding it on her wrist.

"Now, here are the rules. Rule number 1 the group you are put in you cannot leave. Rule number 2 you and the people in your group will share a credit card. You can buy what you want as long as it isn't outlandish or breaths. Rule number 3 no stealing. I'm giving you unlimited cards if anyone gets kicked out for stealing you'll be in serious trouble. Rule number 4 do not cause a scene or fight any mortals. Rule number 5 at 7:30 every single one of you better be at the meeting spot because if I have to find you it won't be pretty. Rule number 6 the captain of your team is in charge. If anyone has trouble find Percy and I immediately. Am I understood?" 

There were nods of agreement from the girls but I could tell they were just antsy to leave already. Artemis hated letting her hunters wander off especially where there would be a lot of men. Although the girls were old enough and had been on there own before Artemis was a mama bear.

"Good," I said stepping forward before Artemis could go into another rant about rules. They loved her but she was a little overbearing. " I will be separating you into groups because I can't be called out for playing favorites, well for the most part at least. Plus no fighting so let's begin." 

"Phoebe, Amy, Mia, and Olivia. You guys are group 1 and Phoebe is your captain." As I called names the hunters moved into there appropriate groups and Artemis handed the captains the cards.

" Sarah, Sophia, Samantha, Layla, and Victoria. Group 2 Captain is Sarah ."

"Next we have Arianna, Isabella, Harper, Julia, and Elaina. That's group 3 and Harper is Captain." I paused when Isabella glared at me.

"It's Izzy. I hate Isabella just as much as you hate Perseus." Izzy crossed her arms as Harper stood beside her giggling.

"Okay sorry, fine Arianna, Izzy, Harper, Julia, and Elaina." Izzy smiled and turned to Arianna excitedly asking about forever 21.

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