Chapter 9

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Percy P.o.v 

Artemis and I arrived in the middle of the camp where the fight would take place. The fire in the center was put out and everyone stood in a semi-circle far enough away to give Pheobe and I space. The only ones not in attendance were Riley, Grace, and Tina. Ariana must have left Grace in charge to see the fight.

Me and Pheobe too our places across from each other and Artemis stood between us. I held Riptide in one hand while Pheobe held two long silver hunting knives. 

"You know the rules, no powers, no killing or maiming, you stop when the other person surrenders. You may begin when ready." 

Phoebe and I walked in circles facing each other. I honestly didn't want to fight her but she hadn't given me much of an option. Phoebe sneered at me.

"You're going to regret ever bringing your sorry ass here boy. I can't wait to be rid of your stench."

I just nodded not feeling like giving her the satisfaction of a response. Phoebe attacked first aiming for my stomach but I just sidestepped.

That's how the fight continued for several minutes, Phoebe on offense continuously throwing attacks my way while I dogged them. Finally, she stepped back to breathe and seemed as angry as ever.

"Fight back! Didn't anyone ever teach you how to at least do that? Or are you just as stupid as every other male?" Phoebe taunted me and I took her somewhat distracted state as an opportunity to attack.

I swiftly swung my blade going for her throat but held back just enough for her to block my action. Using her other knife Phoebe aimed for my side by I twisted my sword arm at her neck making her drop one knife and blocked the other incoming blade. Phoebe seemed surprised but only attacked with more vigor. we traded blows back and forth until Phoebe caught me by surprise and nicked my arm making me drawback. 

I examined the cut as it dripped blood. It was like a big paper cut I'd live.

"Good job first time in a while someone's gotten a hit on me," I told Phoebe raising my sword again. Her satisfactory grin changed into one of anger. 

"Don't worry you'll be nothing but ribbons when I'm done"

With that, we re-engaged in battle. I gave Phoebe a scratch or a slash here and there but I wasn't trying to hurt her. She clearly didn't have the same reservations. Trusting my instincts I took a quick glance at Artemis and the hunters. They watched us with batted breath but I noticed Artemis knuckles turn white as she gripped her bow. She probably thought I would hurt Phoebe but I'd never.

Deciding to end the fight quickly I pressed Phoebe a little harder. Using the trick Luke first taught me at camp Half-blood I disarmed Phoebe grabbing one of her knives before it fell while using riptide to block her other hunting knife. The knife I took from her I held to her throat.

"Do you yield?" I spoke with bated breath. Phoebe seemed devastated but most of all upset and scared.

"I yield," She whispered dropping her other knife and back up. I dropped her hunting knife and capped riptide.

Turning to Artemis and the hunters I waited for the verdict. Everyone clapped and Thalia whistled exceedingly loud. Most hunters didn't seem surprised with the outcome of the fight but that's only because they'd all seen me fight or heard of one of my feats or another.

"Percy is the winner of the fight and shall remain guardian of the hunt. Everyone is dismissed until dinner. Olivia take Phoebe to the infirmary to get patched up. Anyone involved with the prank against Percy will report to me after dinner to discuss punishment. Thalia, please go check on the younger hunters while I speak with our Guardian." Everyone scattered with various affirmation agreement. Soon it was just Artemis and I.

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