Chapter 12

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Hello, Lovies I'm back!!!

Percy P.o.v

I woke up in what I assumed was my new room and bed courtesy of Apollo blinking slowly. The room was a pretty and soothing turquoise blue. One wall was just a fish tank with thankfully soundproof glass. The water left calming ripples against the ceiling and wall across. Besides the bed, there was only a bathroom, nightstand, and bookshelf. The room was littered with photos of me and my time at camp. The photo frames closer toward the bed were pictures of me and Riley around the hunters camp and a few of my mom, Paul, and baby Riley. All pictures I didn't even know existed. The most surprising decoration sat on the nightstand next to the bed. One photo was of me, baby Riley, my mom, and Paul. None of us were looking at the camera, we were in the kitchen in a circle cooing at Riley, it was the day she said mama for the first time. The second photo was of me and Artemis, we stood near the river looking at each other while the photo was taken from behind. I sent up a quick thank you to Apollo for the photos because none of these were actually taken, he had used my memories to make them real. I was happy to be surrounded by my friends and family it made me feel a lot better and a lot more at home.

 It took me a second to realize I was cuddled up into Artemis with my arm around her. I traced her face with my thumb lightly shocked by how soft and peaceful she looked. Artemis was always guarded but at this moment she was just another person. 

I didn't see Riley but before I could take the initiative to move or get up I was attacked from three different angles. One was Riley and the other two were Asi and Wynn who all thought it was a great idea to lick not just me but Artemis awake. Riley who was currently a little wolf helped Wynn lick Artemis to death effectively waking her up while Asi held her own in attacking me. 

" Girls and Wynn stand down or no breakfast." Artemis threatened them and they all effectively stopped. Riley turning back and laying across her mom.

" They're not hunters, they don't stand down beside your not the making breakfast." I taunted Artemis who looked at me in surprise before seemingly remembering we were in the same bed and blushing red. Turning away and climbing out of bed she spoke.

" You can hardly call snapping your fingers making breakfast."

"Still better than anything you could do."

" Pancakes!!" Riley interrupted jumping up and down on the bed. Asi and Wynn abandoned their bed in favor of eating their own breakfast on the far side of the room where their food bowls had been set up.

" Let's go wake everyone else up first," I told Riley looking at the clock and realizing it was already 8:36.

"Okay but first let's go get ready," Artemis said picking up Riley and making her way to Riley's room.

I sat for a minute breathing in slowly processing everything that happened yesterday. I wonder what happened with Reyna after the hunt came back. Hopefully, Thalia and Apollo let her tag along because I still wanted to talk to her. I thought about me and Artemis' conversation and deciding that today I would start actively choosing to be better. Clearly it didn't work like that but positivity was the best policy was it not? 

I pushed the covers back and quickly checked the nightstand draw for my secret journal. Thankfully the worn leather book was still there. Besides me, the only people that knew about the journal were Hermes, Annabeth, Apollo, and my mom. Hermes because it was a magical journal that never ran out of paper that he gave me, Annabeth and my mom because they knew everything, and Apollo because well he was my therapist. Of course, none of them had ever read from it and 2 out of the only 4 people who knew it existed was dead.

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