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First day after break, we changed seats in every class. I know I should be following my resolution, but I couldn't help but hope that I would get assigned to sit next to Vincent. Each time, it only seem like we got further apart, except for biology. Everyone had seen the video of Vincent punching Bryan in the face and taking me to his car. I guess they thought we were back to normal, but when Vincent wasn't talking to me every two minutes in class, they knew something was wrong. So when I got the seat right beside him, everyone looked and observed, curious if he would finally talk to me. He didn't.

Maybe I shouldn't be turning every five seconds to look at him, but I can't help it. Every glance makes my heart flutter but ache at the same time. Is having his seat lucky, or am I just torturing myself?

"Wendy, are you feeling okay?" My biology teacher asks, tapping gently on my empty worksheet.

Realizing half an hour already passed, I panic and start to write my name at the top.

"Yeah, sorry."

"You look tired, sweetie. Sleep early tonight."

"I will. Thanks," I respond, quickly scribble down answers. Peering over, I check to see if Vincent looked at me, but not yet. Not a single glance all day so far. Nothing. Maybe if he was angry at me  or yelled at me I would feel better. Then he would be at least talking to me, but I'm as good as invisible.

"Hey, Wendy!" someone calls across the classroom.

"Yeah?" I ask, turning to the dude in the back.

"I saw the video from Sam's party. You were pretty badass."

"Um, thanks?" I'm unsure if I should be complemented for violence.

"Yeah, that was so funny. Bryan's an asshole. He deserved it," a girl adds.

"Yeah, he cheated on Ally didn't he?"

"Yeah! With a freshman."

"Dang. What an idiot. Ally's way hotter."

"I knew it all along too. You know, I had a feeling he was lying when he said you were flirting with him. He does that a lot to me too," she continues. These were obvious lies since she was whispering about me non-stop a few months ago when the rumors were started. Though, I'll gladly take her hypocrisy any day over any more rumors spreading.

"Man, if I was at that party, I would've totally beat his ass for grabbing a girl like that."

"Yeah right," she teases. "He's on the basketball team and you can barely open a jar of pickles."

This sends him into a flurry of stories in an attempt to give his strength credibility. I give them an awkward laugh to excuse myself from the conversation and continue to work on my packet. I can't believe Bryan did that to Ally! Well, I guess I could believe it since he's a major jerk. But that's still horrible. If I knew that during Sam's party, I would've kicked him in the balls while I was at it!

The one time my wish is granted, it isn't even what I wanted, because Bryan found me after school and dragged me off to where the dumpsters were. I wasn't really hoping to kick his balls!

"I thought I made it clear I wanted you leave me alone!" I exclaim in exasperation and attempted to yank my backpack out of his grip.

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