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When May woke up in the chair next to me, she was confused at first.

"Where am I?"

I quietly said to her, "At the hospital with Darcy."

She sunk back in her chair and wiped off her crusty eyes.

She then asked me, "Are you tired?"

I looked back at her and said, "No, I'm fine...just need some fresh air."

I got up from my chair and walked out of the room and outside.

I sat down on the outside curb and opened up my purse.

Still inside, I could see my match of cigarettes at the bottom.

I pulled one out putting it between my teeth but not lighting it like I usually do.

Then, someone approached me.


I turned around to see Dally standing in front of me.

He was holding a big bouquet of different kinds of flowers.

He said, "Uhhh, I wasn't sure what kind of flowers Darcy likes so I got her one of all kinds."

He handed me the bouquet as I examined all of them.

I smiled and said, "These are lovely. She will love it, Dally."

He asked, "So, you smoke?"

I shook my head no and answered saying, "It's a metaphor."

He looked at me really confused and I continued, "It's complicated."

He nodded his head and said, "But yeah just make sure she gets those please."

I nodded my head and said, "I will."

He then walked away as I took the cancer stick in between my mouth and threw it away.

I walked back inside to meet a woken up Darcy.

I smiled at her as tears came to my eyes.

May looked over to me and said, "She came back to us."

I hugged Darcy really tight never even wanting to let go.

She softly grabbed my hair and said, "Katie...I didn't mean to do that."

I said, "I"

I pulled the bouquet I was holding over the bed and onto her lap.

She quickly grabbed the card reading it and smiled especially when she read, "From Dallas"

She said out loud, "I'm lucky."

I then replied, "That you are."

Instead of ending up coming right back tonight, I decided to get my daily check up out of the way.

It was around 7:40 in the morning which meant school started in 20 minutes for May.

We all agreed Darcy could use time off as I wanted to know what happened.

I dropped May off and took Darcy home with me.

I kept looking over at her in the passenger seat to see every time she was staring out the window.

I didn't say a word to her and neither did she to me.

We just sat in an awkwardly perfect silence.

When I got home, I was surprised to see it looked better then when we left.

Everything was organized and cleaned up.

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