The End

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Thank you guys so much for reading my Darry Curtis Love Story Book!

It means so much to me that you guys loved it and commented all the way to the end.

I will be taking requests from now on or any ideas you may have for a "The Outsiders" Fanfiction Book.

I will continue writing in my "My Romeo" book for the unknown requester.

My Romeo is about Ponyboy liking Johnny and they begin dating.

Go with them on a wild and romantic adventure.

Thanks for all the new followers I've been getting.

I'm going to be giving out Chocolates and Flowers:


Grab one if you would like.

I'm out for Easter Monday so if anyone wants to DM me and maybe we could play a game via messages.

It would be really fun.

Okay I hope all of you have an AMAZING Easter and an AMAZING weekend.

~~Till Next Time~~

~Stay Gold

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