It's Been Too Long... (17)

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A/N: I wrote this in a rush y'all sorry it's taken so long it's been crazy busy but I finished with a nice a$$ gpa so heyyyyyyyyyyy. I will try to update more frequently.

One year later...


"Stop!" I shriek, bending over in a fit of giggles. Adam prances around the room, his feet jammed into my stilettos. He has on a wig and lipstick with a scarf around his neck. 

"The boys at Delta Sig are gonna love this." Camille snorts as she films Adam. Delta Sig is Adam's frat, which he loves to death.

"You're cruel." Adam pouts at Camille, flicking his wig back in a girlish manner. 

"Adam, seriously!" I try to catch my breath, but the sight is too much. Adam has masculinity oozing out of him, so the sight of him prancing around with lipstick on is hilarious. He grins, kicking off the stilettos and ripping off the wig before striding across the room and attacking me with a passionate kiss. I lose myself in the moment until he eventually pulls his face away. He stares at me a moment and I can't figure out what he's thinking until he bursts out in laughter, his white teeth gleaming.

"What?" I laugh back, dumbfounded. 

"Y-your face! Lipstick everywhere!" He howls, slapping his leg in true hick mannerism. 

"Ew!" I laugh, furiously rubbing at my lips. I look over to Camille but she's taking a selfie, clearly snapping with her latest conquest, Brett. He's handsome and exactly her type, with milk chocolate skin and an eye that is green and an eye that is blue. He has a chiseled jaw and lips "just the right amount of full." He's unique looking and she loves unique. 

Camille and I are roommates at NYU. She's majoring in fashion design in typical Camille mannerism, and I am undecided but leaning towards psychology in typical Gabrielle mannerism. 

"What time are we leaving?" Camille looks up at the two of us, a smile plastered on her beautiful face. "Brett is already at the party and says that he can't wait to see me."

"I can't believe you're dragging me to a Sig Ep party." Adam pouts for the millionth time tonight. "They're going to give me so much shit."

"Relax, Ad. We can leave in fifteen minutes," I announce, realizing that I have a full face of makeup on but had only done half of my hair before Adam decided it would be a good idea to try on my clothes and an old Halloween costume wig he found nestled in the back of my dorm room closet. 

"Sounds good." Camille shrugs and goes back to texting her man.

I rush over to my desk turned vanity and flat iron the rest of my hair until it is bone straight. I give myself a once over and, upon deciding that I am pleased with my look, rush over to my closet. I grab the little black dress and hurriedly change into it, fully aware of Adam's gaze. It's nothing he hasn't seen before, but he still lets out a slow whistle.

"Shut up." I grin, sliding into my heels and rushing to spray myself with perfume. After I've gone over a mental checklist and decide that I'm ready to head out, I usher my friend and my boyfriend out. I turn off the lights behind us and lock the door. 

The Uber to Columbia's campus is slow and annoying. Our driver is shamelessly flirting with Camille while Adam and I sit in the back, sharing looks with one another and sneaking tequila shots. Camille, seeming to forget she has a potential SO, flirts right back. She openly sips on her hard lemonade, but the Uber driver doesn't seem to mind. 

When we arrive at Frat row, Camille promises to text the Uber driver. As soon as he drives off, she bursts out in laughter. "Ew, as if!" She giggles. "Did you see how old that guy was?"

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