Chapter 1: Kai

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This is a OC fan fiction. Rwby is property of Monty Oum. Please support the official release.


Kai's alarm clock sounded, tearing him from his blissful sleep. Groaning, he slammed the clocks snooze button and tried to return to sleep. Just before he could fall back asleep, he was brutally yanked from his warm bed and came crashing onto the wooden floor with a thud. "Ow." Kai said, still lying on the floor. As he looked up he saw his attacker was none other than his sister Nora. "Wake up lazy butt." She said. Kai thought to himself." How does she never seem to be tired, even now. It's like five in the morning." His thoughts were cutoff when he was pulled to his feet forcefully and pushed out of the room. "Come on you don't want to be late do you?" Nora said.

"Oh yeah it's the day we go to Beacon." Kai said. He began to grab his favorite outfit, a pair of black jeans, a dark red shirt, a dark red and black hoodie, and a pair of combat boots then headed into the bathroom to change. Kai looked in the mirror and tried to fix his mess of red hair. His hair was slightly darker than Nora's, but was almost impossible to tell if you didn't get a good look. His eyes were the same light blue color as his sister and his Mom. That's were the similarities end, Kai's build was one of a runner and he preferred to use his brain and brawn to beat his opponents. Over his left eye was a jagged scar, which origin was unknown to him and his family.

After getting ready he was about to leave when he remembered to grab his pills. He rummaged through the medicine cabinet until he found what he was looking for, a pill bottle filled with amber colored pills. He had to take one every Sunday to keep his affliction under control. Nora called from down stairs," Kai. Come on hurry up." Kai quickly grabbed his bags and his halberd shotgun hybrid that he had named Nightingale and ran down stairs. After giving his Mom and Dad a hug, him and Nora made their way to the airship that would be picking them up.

As they got to the open field, Nora's best friend Ren was waiting for us. Nora ran over and was talking non stop to him. The sound of engines were off in the distance, grew louder as the airships got closer. Soon Kai would have a chance to start fresh and have his new beginning.

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