My funny story of how I got a bf

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Ayyyy👋 Picture of Hermione Granger quote. Anyway so this is my funny story of how I got a bf.                                     👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
                                                                     Ok so I actually happened over text when I was at one of my best friend's house. Aastha,my friend, and I were doing a competition for who could stay up longer.  So we were texting my friend Jake and Aastha had just gotten glasses but she didn't want to put them on and I told her she could tell me whatever she wanted and I would text it to him so she was like this is Aastha do you like Alyssa? And he was like no and she was like I know you do just admit it and he's like how do I even know your Aastha and not Alyssa and she goes because I locked her in the closet and I'm not gonna let her out till you tell me and he said prove it and so I went and stood in her closet and screamed Aastha let me out and she was like no and we sent him that video and he was like I don't believe you and she was like I gave you proof and he was like it could be fake and she was like no it's actually me and he was like fine and she goes so do you like Alyssa and he goes noI don't like anyone else and I was like else he said anybody else so that means he does like me so we told him that and he kept saying that was a typo and we were like nope and he was like fine I like Alyssa and we were like we knew it and he talked to me and he was like so do u want to be my girlfriend and I was like sure. So yeah that's my story this happened on December 2 btw and to this day he still thinks I was actually locked in a closet.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑 Well that's it for now peoples
Bye 👋
                         Sapphire 💫

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